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Serve No One This Life

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94 Taken Away by a Luxury Car

Chapter 94 Taken Away by a Luxury Car

Everyone knew the gift he got Angela was identical to Fanny's, yet no one pointed it out. Thus, the only

explanation was that no one knew.

Scarlet’s well-maintained face froze for a moment, her tone indifferent, “She’s not close tobut close to her

deceased grandmother. How could | know when she doesn’t tellanything?!”

“But Angela’s your daughter, one you gave birth to. Don’t you have any concern for her?” Zacharias felt uneasy.

“If she could be half as thoughtful and sensible as Fanny, not doing those annoying things. would | not care

about her? She did this all to herself.” Scarlet’s tone was not very pleasant, partly fearing that Zacharias would

overthink, which would be detrimental to his health. She suppressed her worries and said, “If | had to choose

between the two, | would choose Fanny

Zacharias said nothing in turn.

“Just treat it like before, when Fanny is still your sister and Angela... pretend she never appeared before.” Scarlet

felt exhausted.

The master was right. Fanny is the lucky star who can bless the prosperity of our family, while Angela is the jinx

who tauses us nothing but trouble!

Was she wrong in only wanting to live a peaceful life?

With a deep frown, James advised, “Zacharias, that’s enough. Do you want to upset Mom over Angela?”

Zacharias frowned slightly but ultimately said nothing.

In the corridor on the way back to the private room, Angela adjusted her shawl, her thick, long hair cascading

down on both sides of her face, presenting an elegant figure.

“No need to report what happened just now to Jonathan,” she said softly.

Oliver's narrow eyes flashed with confusion, but he quickly responded, “Okay.”

George nearly hit her head, and the unimaginable might occur if the worst happened. If that had happened to

any other woman, they would've told Jonathan immediately and had him back them up.



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Chapter 94 Taken Away by a Luxury Car

A few steps ahead, Angela saw someone at the end of the corridor and hurriedly approached him. “Mr.


Sebastian's eyes lit up upon seeing her. “There you are, Angela. I've arranged for a car to take your uncle and

his family back. Mr. Lawson had something to attend to and returned to the car first. He askedto stay and

tell you to wait at the entrance.”

“Alright.” Angela replied sweetly.

Together with Sebastian, they took the elevator down and waited for the car at the entrance.

Just as she arrived at the entrance, George and his family emerged in the lobby, and immediately, Fanny

wrapped her arms around Christopher's, saying with worry, “It's so cold outside, but Angela still has to wait for

the cab. How sad. Why don’t we give her a lift?”

Christopher glanced at Angela. Seeing her slender figure, he frowned with annoyance and disapproved of

Fanny's idea, not wanting her to approach Angela. “Forget about it. She wouldn't be grateful even if we offered

her a lift. Why bother?”

“It's alright, | don’t mind. Angela is just all talk and no action. She won't do anything to me.” Fanny blinked

innocently. “Besides, you can consider it astest-driving the car you gave


With that, Fanny let go of Christopher's arm and jogged to the entrance.

She tossed her hair and smiled coyly, deliberately showing off the luxury car keys in her hand. “You can hardly

ever hail a cab here at Laurel Hotel. Shall we give you a lift? Christopher also just so happened to geta car

for my birthday. Let's try it out.”

Angela didn’t even bother glancing in her way, automatically tuning out Fanny's words.

She had seen too many instances of this kind of blatant and subtle boasting in her


past life.

Having sealed her heart away, she was unfazed. If there was anything she felt, it would be ridiculous.

Despite Angela’s impassiveness toward her, Fanny continued to approach the former and threatened, “Since

you've decided to leave, leave thoroughly. Never cback. You should fully realize by now that despite so

many years passed, | am still the only daughter of the Kins Family!

“In terms of schemes, you're no match for me, and in terms of ability, you're inferior to me. So what if you put in

effort all these years?

“Admit your defeat. After removing yourself officially from the registry, go back to your



Chapter 94 Taken Away by a Luxury Car

shabby countryside, or | have plenty of ways to make.

you leave.”

x 12:43

#5 Free Coins

“Oh, so you're finally done pretending, hmm?” Coldness flashed in Angela's eyes as she scanned Fanny's face.

“You should look in the mirror and see just how ugly your smug face is now. But, Fanny, what are you so proud

of? You're only picking up things | threw away. Since you want them so badly, do your job and be a nice trash

can. Keep them in.

“As for drivingout of Riverdon, who do you think you are?”

Fanny's face contorted with rage. “Why you-"

Just then, two black luxury cars pulled over by the entrance, and Oliver briskly stepped out from the car behind

to open the rear door of the first car. “Please.”

From Fanny’s angle, she could only vaguely see a man sitting inside the car, revealing only half of his figure

without his face. He reached his hand out to hold Angela's, the cuff of his sapphire blue suit shimmering in the

cold light.

Just half a silhouette exuded an unparalleled aura of nobility and invincibility. His face was hidden in darkness,

impossible to discern.

Angela reached out and took the man’s offered hand, stepping into the car. Oliver blocked Fanny's view, swiftly

closing the door with seamless precision.

Sebastian, who had witnessed everything, glanced coldly at Fanny. “A word of advice: don’t mess with the wrong

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

people,” he said before returning to the second black car with Oliver and driving away.

By the tFanny caround, there was only the exhaust left by the luxury car in the distance.

So, Angela hadn’t been waiting for a cab! What's more, that luxury car is a classic Rolls-Royce! At that, Fanny

looked down at the car keys in her hand, clearly inferior in comparison, and bit her lip. Who was the man in the

car? Could it be Jonathan? No, Jonathan is getting married. The bride’s family must certainly be prestigious. No

way would he still be interested in Angela and hook up with


“Fanny!” someone called out from behind her.

The Kinses happened to arrive at the entrance at this point, and with grave worry, Samuel asked, “Did she say

something offensive to you again?”

“No, Samuel, when | arrived, Angela was just about to get into a car,” Fanny said gloomily and wrapped her arms

around Christopher's before continuing with hesitation, “I thought she cby herself, so | wanted to give her a

lift. But then a luxury car pulled over and picked



ON 12:43

Chapter 94 Taken Away by a Luxury Car

+5 Free Coins

her up. However, the license plate didn’t match Jonathan's usual one. Angela seemed to be in a bad mood all

day. Did something happen to her? | hope she doesn’t do anything foolish.”

Hearing Fanny's words, everyone couldn't help thinking of the news about Jonathan getting married.

ro that

George and Scarlet’s faces instantly turned grim. They had already heard a few days ago Angela wanted to hook

up with Jonathan. Having assumed that Angela also picked up the news, they simply assumed she decided to

switch her target, having now lost her chance with Jonathan.

“Shameless!” George cursed. The second Christopher calls off the engagement with her, she tries to cory up

with her potential brother-in-law’s older cousin, and now, she’s hooking up with srandom guy!

Zacharias, on the other hand, coughed a few times before seeking confirmation. “Fanny, did you see who the

man in the car was?”