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Sentenced to Marriage by MadlainQ

Chapter 20
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I blow-dried my hair, put on a shirt top and jeans, and was ready to come down to the kitchen. My heart

rate slowed down a little, but the thought of half-naked Aren made that foolish blood pomp in my chest

race again. I took many deep breaths as I walked down to the kitchen, trying to mentally prepare myself

to see him again, and I sincerely hoped that this time he would be dressed.

I sighed in relief when I saw him wearing a black shirt and a casual pair of jeans, but I quickly realized

that it didn’t make him look less disturbing… He was standing by the oven, preparing breakfast. Who

would have known that this billionaire could actually use a frying pan and an oven? I walked closer and

swallowed hard. He didn’t make it easier for me. In his black shirt with rolled sleeves and forearm

muscles tensing as he swirled vegetables in the pan, he looked insanely hot. He must have sensed me

gaping at him because he shifted his eyes to me and grinned.

“Hope you’re not allergic to eggs,” he said, turning to the cutting board to chop mushrooms and pepper.

I could only respond by shaking my head. My brain was too busy processing how to handle this new,

suit-less, and chef-like version of Aren Lan. I stood like an idiot, admiring Aren’s cooking skills and

wondering how come every single thing he did seemed perfect.

“You may either sit down or make us some coffee,” he suggested, pouring stirred eggs onto the pan. I

nodded, again choosing not to talk. I walked over to the coffee machine. I took out the coffee beans from

the cupboard, grounded them, and started preparing a black, full of caffeine, liquid. “Espresso?” I asked,

remembering what he ordered at the café the day we met.

“Yes, please,” he replied, putting the fried veggies on our plates.

The moment I put the second cup of coffee on the kitchen table, Aren brought our breakfast. It looked

absolutely delicious. Every detail had been carved into perfection: the dish he cooked, the basket of

freshly baked scones, or the small plate with butter.

“Let me.” He took one scone and cut it for me.

“Thank you,” I replied, taking both halves from his hand.

I didn’t expect this kind of treatment from him. I had never pictured him serving anyone or making

someone breakfast. Was it some kind of game for him? Was he bored and decided to play house? Or

was he enjoying messing up with me? “Delicious coffee,” he commented, taking another sip from his cup.

“I’m glad it suits your taste…” I said, hesitantly.

He was relaxed and smiling, whereas I was completely stiff. I knew that I was supposed to get used to

him and learn to cope with him, but this was too new, too different, and too frightening. Honestly, I was

terrified, terrified that I could actually enjoy living with him. I


had to stop this idyllic mood before I would find myself lost in it…

“So… what do you need this marriage for?” I blurted.

His expression changed immediately. His stare at me darkened. His lips no longer curled into a smile. He

straightened in his seat, placing his elbows on the table and tangling his fingers together. “I need more

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power, and Grandfather’s shares will give me the power I need.” He shrugged.

I could see that there was much more to it. He was hiding something.

“Why do you need it? You are already one of the richest men in the world. Why would you need more

than you possess?” I inquired. “I have my reasons.” He smirked and finished his coffee.

I felt as if the air around us had become heavier. He no longer looked into my eyes.

“You don’t trust me…” I muttered. “No, I don’t.” His reply felt like a stab in the gut. “You wanted me in

your bed, but you don’t trust me?” I asked, confused.

He said coldly. “I don’t need to trust those I fuck”

I leaned back, feeling as if I was looking at a different person. He seemed completely different from the

man who carried me to his bed to give me a towel, and then made me breakfast. “I feel like an idiot…” I

mumbled under my breath.

He didn’t necessarily hear me, but he must have noticed the change in my expression because he let out

an annoyed sigh. “It’s about business. I trust only a few people when it comes to business.”

“Even if I’ve signed a full-of-penalty contract?” I frowned. “You told Neil to tell me everything… and I

wanted to do my best to help achieve… whatever it is that you want. I -thought that we were going to be


“This will never be a real relationship,” he said curtly. The stabbing pain became worse, but I decided to

fight through it. “I meant partnership. I thought that you were going to treat me as your partner. Were you

planning to use me as a dumb puppet who would stand next to you whenever you needed to prove that

you have a wife?” I squeezed through my teeth. He cocked his head to one side, a look of amusement

and surprise on his face. His eyes locked on me again, and this time his gaze seemed more devilish as if

he was testing how determined I was. It took all I had within me not to flinch or move back, seeing his

predator gaze, but this time, I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction. “I’m sorry, but I don’t do well as a

men’s accessory,” I hissed. “I’m not some bored lady whose most time-consuming hobby is shopping

and doing nails. You said that you were going to take care of my Grandma, and I felt grateful. I was so

grateful that I thought of using all of my abilities to help you and actually do something to earn that

money you’ll spend on her treatment. But if you are too scared to take a risk and trust me, then too bad.”

I stood up,

pulling back my seat with a meaningful scratch.

I couldn’t understand why his words hurt me so badly. It wasn’t like I had expected to turn this contractual

marriage into a loving and caring relationship. Nonetheless, I wanted to make sure that he would pay my

Grandma’s medical bills, and how was I supposed to ask him to use his money when all I would be doing

is living in his house and using his last name? I needed to give him something he wanted… and giving

him my body wasn’t an option. I was confident that if he had a lot of enemies, there would be a lot of

ways that I could use my skills to help him. I hated the fact that, despite knowing what I was capable of,

in his eyes, I was no different than those bimbos who merely wanted to crawl into his bed. My annoyance

grew and I needed to leave this apartment before I found the right-sized object to punch him with.

“Since I don’t think you’ll need me hanging around your shoulder for another month, I’m going to the

workshop,” I grunted.

He stayed silent, watching me as I went towards the stairs. A part of me hoped that he would stop me. I

wanted him to realize that I was different. Was I being too naïve? As I reached the top of the stairs, I

sighed and went to my bedroom to get my laptop and purse. I felt disappointed. I lowered my head and

turned around, ready to exit the room, when suddenly I crashed against Aren’s firm chest. “Why do you

need to be so fucking stubborn?” he said, standing on my threshold and blocking my way “I’m not

stubborn. I’m rational,” I argued.

He grabbed my arms and frowned. “Neil told you that you would be in danger just by having my name. I

don’t want you to risk your life even more by engaging with my enemies directly. “But you could use my

help, ain’t I right?” I coaxed, strangely enjoying his sudden perplexity. He locked his eyes on me. “Fine.

As you wish…” he said dangerously. “I’m going to involve you in my plans, but I will tell you only the most

essential information, and you will do as I say, no questions asked. In return, I will pay for any kind of

treatment your grandma would ever need, including the operation performed by Doctor Lu Wei Chen.”

“How did you know about the operation?” I asked, startled.

He smirked. “I needed to know everything about my future wife.” How could I possibly say no to his

condition? The truth was that I would do anything to get the money for that surgery, and now, Aren had

just said that he would pay for it? I wanted to cry tears of joy.

“I will do whatever you say,” I promised.

“Very well.” He chuckled and looked me up and down. “Your first assignment starts today. Tonight, we

are going out on a date.”


Preparations I kept wondering what kind of a “date” Aren meant, and how was it supposed to be my

assignment? I sat at the workshop, and for the first time, I couldn’t focus on the job. I did some easy

tasks automatically, but the parts that needed an individual approach took me longer than ever to fix.

“What is wrong with you today?” Norton frowned. “You’ve never worked so slowly before.”

His comment pulled me out of my daze. I felt guilty. I had never acted sloppily in my job, and I even let

someone like Mr. Always Quiet Norton point it out.

“I’m sorry…” I mumbled like a scolded schoolgirl.

“Norton, cut the girl some slack.” Alan came to my rescue, handing me a fresh mug of coffee.” Can’t you

see she’s thinking about a guy?” “I’m… what?” I laughed hysterically. Alan grinned wickedly, pointing at

my flushed cheeks. “See, I was right. There is a guy. So… who is he?” He blinked his eyes, leaning over


“I… He…”

I panicked. I wasn’t prepared to tell them anything, but since Aren and I were going out on a date…

“I started seeing someone, and it’s getting kind of serious.” My awkward laughter couldn’t underline my

lie more clearly. “Were you two shagging already, deary?” A mischievous chuckle escaped Alan’s throat.

“What?! Why do you even mention it?!” I exclaimed nervously, a thick blush flooding my face. Alan put

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his hand on my shoulder in a patronizing gesture. “Honey, I know it’s been a long time since you were

with a man, but you will do just fine. It’s like riding a bike… or actually, it’s more like riding a—” “Alan…” I

glared at him. “For your information, I am not worried about my bed performance. My bed skills are just

as good as always,” I stated, teasingly pulling back my hair and making them wave.

He chuckled and bit his lip. “Well, if you like to practice, you know that I’m always ready to make that

sacrifice,” he claimed, theatrically placing his hand on his heart.

I snorted and reached my hand out to ruffle his hair. “Oh, I know just how much you are eager to make

that sacrifice.”

Alan smirked, his eyes dropping to my breasts. “You know that I could do wonders to those two.”

“Keep dreaming.” I winked at him and then blew him a kiss. His flirt was adorable, helpless but adorable.

Nonetheless, I had to admit that he helped me set my mind on the right track. My mind became less

occupied by my date with Aren, and I

returned to my usual work speed.

A few hours had passed in a flash. I left the workshop and instantly noticed a black Bentley and

Benjamin, greeting me with a beaming smile and a brief nod. I didn’t think that I could get used to

someone driving wherever I wanted to go. “Hello, Ms. Bell. Did you have a good day at work?” he asked

as I walked near the car.

“Yes, thank you.” I smiled, but my smile quickly faded as I saw Neil stepping out of the Bentley.

“Hello, Ms. Bell,” he said, a slight smirk forming on his lips. “I’m here to prepare you for your date with Mr.


I raised my eyebrows curiously. “Do I need to be specially prepared to go on a date with him?”

Neil shot me a scrutinized look. “Yes, you definitely do,” he replied curtly. My temple vein started to throb,

but then I remembered that I promised to follow Aren’s instructions without questioning. I inwardly cursed

at Neil’s audacity while outwardly giving him a forced, thin smile, and then got into the car.

“Drive,” Neil ordered Benjamin as soon as he closed the door.

Benjamin nodded, and a minute later, we were heading back to Manhattan. I didn’t bother to ask where

exactly we were going. I merely figured that whatever the plan was, we weren’t going to Aren’s

penthouse. A few minutes later, as we pulled over by one of the high-end, overpriced boutiques, I

established that my preparations for a date would start with buying a dress.

“After you, Ms. Bell.” Neil gestured while opening the door for me.

I smiled nervously and walked inside. Three elegantly dressed ladies bowed down as Neil and I

entered… although I could clearly see that their respect was aimed at Neil rather than me. It kind of

reminded me of that scene from “Pretty Woman.” The only difference was that those ladies tried to hide

their disdain for me behind a professional smile. With my worn-out jeans and white top, I couldn’t be

more out of place there. I looked nothing like a rich man’s fiancée, I was overwhelmed and couldn’t

possibly feel more uncomfortable, but then Neil did something unexpected.

“Ms. Bell, allow me.” He nodded, offering his hand.