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Revenge After Death

Chapter 375
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"Are you happy?" Rachel threw the question back at me.

I pondered for a moment before responding, "Habit is a scary thing." Glancing at the screen of my phone, I recalled how panicked I was when Steven declined my call. Was I truly happy after getting married? Well... It felt like "happiness" was just beyond my grasp.

First, I was inexplicably murdered, then inexplicably resurrected... or rather, reincarnated into the body of a completely stranger woman. And, inexplicably, the person lying next towas the person I had mistaken as the murderer - Steven.

It seemed as though all the tic events one could possibly experience had happened to me.

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I couldn't help but wonder: if these things happened to someone else, how would they cope? Could they handle it better than me? In such a tense, suspicious, and dangerous environment, I struggled to find a way to survive, let alone find happiness.

"I don't yearn for love anymore." Rachel shrugged. "I promised my mom to go on a blind date. It's at seven tonight, so I'll be leaving soon." Though Rachel agreed to the blind date, I could tell she wasn't happy about it.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I wanted to talk her out of it, but I didn't know how.

"If I don't get married soon, my mom is going to drivecrazy." Rachel sighed, feeling suffocated by her family. "For Zion's sake, I have to get married as soon as possible. You know my mom. She won't stop bothering him until I do," Rachel said helplessly.

Her mother had grown paranoid and controlling after experiencing heartbreak. During Rachel's school days, she once publicly scolded a male student in Rachel's research group, which made Rachel extremely embarrassed. Indifferent to Rachel's emotions, she consistently imposed her own notions of what was best for her daughter, an approach that felt stifling and suffocating.

"I want to take a bet too." Rachel took a deep breath. "Who right?" She smiled at me. belongs to Find S maybe marriage is my reI remained silent, recalling what she had just tolda while ago: "Try trusting someone unconditionally for a change, will you? After all, life is a gamble. Who knows, you might make the right bet?" S Indeed, even if she lost the bet, she had nothing to lose either.

Nodding in agreement, I picked up my phone and dialed Steven's number once more.

I wanted to take the bet... to try trusting him unconditionally for once.

Yet, Steven declined my call once again, sendinginto a state of panic.

Could he have fallen into Yasmin's deception too? Rachel departed for her blind date.

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Under the gloomy, rainy sky, I watched her leave and noticed a car parked nearby. I was Zion's, I could tell at a glance.

It was evident that Zion harbored feelings for Rachel too, but the two seemed like prickly hedgehogs, afraid of hurting each other with Vtheir spines if they got too close. So, they chose to maintain their distance, staying where they were.

Standing in the rain, surrounded by the earthy scent of the rain I couldn't shake off the feeling of impending doom. Leo motioned forto cinside, away from the rain.

Returning to my room, I sat in the empty bathtub and continued calling Steven. Star*h website on Googl to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. With each call he declined, I redialed. After several attempts, his phone was permanently switched off.

I buried my head in my knees.

Trusting someone unconditionally, as simple as it might sound, was m proving to be an insurmountable challenge.