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Revenge After Death

Chapter 357
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I had initially considered ignoring Yasmin. After all, if Michael had indeed committed suicide, it seemed unlikely that Yasmin would have the energy to cover and cause trouble. It appeared as though she was intentionally causing these issues.

If my assumption was correct, there ought to be reporters or someone observing nearby. Yasmin was putting on a show.

I furrowed my brows. Every action Yasmin took now appeared toas another plot between her and Peter.

However, Steven was alarmed by her. He walked to the yard and looked at Yasmin outside.

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Yasmin was clearly terrified and nervously took a step back. "Steven... Michael committed suicide, and Stephany was the cause. Have you never questioned her identity?" Steven stared at Yasmin coldly. "Aren't you leaving? Release the dogs." Steven raised his hand to signal to Leo, who was about to open the door. Stevie was eager to rush out. Yasmin looked at Steven with terror, her face pale and filled with fear.

"I have evidence! Steven, listen! I have evidence that proves Stephany is fake. She's not Stephanie Carlson. She's been lying to you this whole time," Yasmin exclaimed urgently. Yasmin trembled as she extracted an envelope. She accidentally scattered countless photographs.

Steven refused to talk to her and requested Leo to open the door. After the door was opened slightly, Stevie eagerly darted outside. search the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Yasmin screamed in fright and turned around. She dashed towards the car and slammed the door shut.

Steven walked to the door indifferently. Upon realizing that Yasmin had been frightened off, he hung his head and gazed at the scattered photos across the ground.

I couldn't see the photos from upstairs, but I had a vague feeling that things were not that simple. Yasmin would not chere for no reason.

I rushed downstairs to see what she had brought. However, upon my arrival, Steven had already destroyed all the photographs.

"What did Yasmin say?" I asked.

Steven instinctively hid the torn photographs behind his back. "It's nothing... she's out of her mind." I hadn't uttered a word, nor had I inquired about the photo.

Stephen also didn't mention the photo and approachedwith a low head. "Stephie... are you still angry with me?" I remained silent, and Steven kept his head down, unable to meet my gaze.

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"Stephany." Outside the door, yet another black car pulled up. When the window was rolled down, Lois was sitting inside the car.

I was stunned for a moment. Could it be that Lois was coming here this tbecause Michael had Mi committed suicide? Did he truly take his own life? "Mrs. Ford," I still greeted her respectfully.

Lois gavea chilling look and said, "We need to talk." Then, her gaze landed on Steven. "I'm sorry. I need to talk to her privately for a while." Steven grabbedand glanced at Lois with complete indifference. "Not a chance."

Lois' expression turned grim as she spoke calmly, "You dared to sell the Lincoln family's else. Your actioneerty to someone made you a laughingstock in the entire Huma business district. If you have nothing of value, why do you believe you are worthy of speaking toin such a disrespectful manner?"

Lois spoke the truth. Steven did, in fact, sell the Lincoln family's property to Crowdstar Group. Such treachery, selling off the family's belongings, was truly unforgivable in the Lincoln family. This behavior had beca laughingstock in the business community. X