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Revenge After Death

Chapter 281
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Chapter 281 | was woken up by Stevie’s barking early the next morning. | haven't been sleeping well for the past nights.

| stretched myself. | was tempted to kick Steven, who was latched ontolike an octopus, down from the bed. | could only stop myself from doing that as he was injured.

| got mad upon recalling what happened last night. My cheeks were burning hot as well.

Steven never bothered hiding his flirtatiousness and horniness. Just like now, not only he refused to get up, he continued to act shamelessly on top of me.

“I'm sleepy, Stephie- Steven mumbled as he tightened his arms that were wrapped from behind me. He was restless from head to toe.

“Today's your Grandpa's funeral, Steven,” | said as | reached over to knock on his head.

Steven hummed and replied reluctantly, “He's not my Grandpa- | knew that he had a grudge on Ignatius, but he had to show up out of respect.

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| wanted to get up, but | was suddenly pulled over and trapped on the bed by Steven. He suddenly flipped over and pressed down against me.

His fiery gaze made my heart beat faster and | asked, “What are you doing?” Steven looked atbefore leaning down to kiss my forehead.

| said, “Be good.” Steven groaned softly and went to get a shower unhappily. He even eyed my belly, probably blaming the baby. He could've devourednow if | weren't Pregnay | let out a relieved sigh before getting up. | then tiptoed into the bathroom to wash up.

Steven was taking a cold shower, and the as no fog in the bathroom. Only a hint of breeze could be felt.

He had his back to me, and the burns on his back resembled the spread branches of a Devil's tree. it looked frightening to the eye.

| subconsciously reached out to touch the wounds on Steven's back. He stiffened slightly and his legs moved away a little, perhaps wanting to hide away.

“Are you afraid?” he asked hoarsely.

“It’s not my first tseeing it,” said with a shake of head. “Did it hurt?” He knew that | wasn’t asking about now, but the past. Did it hurt back then? Steven shook his head without turning back. How could it be possible that it did not hurt? | asked, “How did you get this injury here?” Chapte 281 Steven turned off the shower, afraid that the cold water might splash onto me.

My fingers slid down from his sturdy walst-there was a 1.5 Inches long scar on the right side of hist abdomen, | could tell that it was a stab wound.

Steven remained silent and grabbed my fingers. He then took in a deep breath and asked, “Are you punishingnow, Stephie?” | was stunned and replied, “I'm not.” He said, “Why are you rilingup then-" | was apparently stirring up Steven's desires and yet | refused to take responsibility for it. He was just suppressing his desires with the cold shower earlier.

“Are you in a rut?” | asked while gritting my teeth.

He nodded seriously and said, “I'm only like this when | see you.” | was speechless. He was so good at flirting. As expected of a genius, he didn’t even need someone to teach him.

| avoided his fiery gaze and washed up before leaving in a hurry.

Steven took his tin the bathroom and only cout after half an hour. One of Martin's men was fuming as he waited.

“What's taking the both of you so long?” A scruffy-looking man was grumbling downstairs.

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| frowned and said, ‘Did we ask for you to wait? You can fuck off if you like.” The man snorted and said, “Why are you acting high and mighty now?” My expression darkened, but | didn’t bother myself with him. It was better fornot to piss off Martin's men.

“You were quite the player back during our school days, Stephany. Do you really think you would turn into a swan by marrying into the Lincoln family?” that man continued, as if trying to provoke me. He said, “Oh, can’t you remember now? I'm Jake Zeller. We were in the sschool before you went to the city.

“You used to be so famous in our school. Your grandmother said that anyone could do anything to you as long as they pay up.”

| eyed the man. He must have been Stephany'’s high school classmate, but I couldn't recall much about him. I only thought that Stephany was quite a pitiful person in the past. That man called Jake shut up when Steven walked out. He only touched my face flirtatiously in front of Steven.

My gaze darkened, and I'looked over the direction of the high=rise building . There were too many cameras here, so | shouldn't be making a commotion now.

Chapter 281 Steven walked over toand reached over to wipe my face.

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