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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 127
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Sasha didn’t dare go on any of the rides as she was still hurt.

Therefore, she went to buy some snacks for the children.

“Excuse me, three Cokes, three grilled chicken wings, and three meatballs please.”


Everything was bought in threes, delighting the lady boss who was selling them. She proceeded to

prepare all of them at once.

Holding the food, Sasha quickly returned to where the children were.

At that moment, the theme park wasn’t crowded. All the children that visited enjoyed themselves and

didn’t care about how cold the weather was.

It was under such circumstances that Sasha found Matteo at the pirate ship and Ian who was riding the

carousel together with Vivian.

She enjoyed every moment of it.

Sasha called out to them. “Matt, come down, I have bought some snacks for you.”

“Okay, coming.”

As Matteo was almost done, he came down from the pirate ship immediately.

After that, Ian returned from the carousel with Vivian in tow.

“Mommy, Mommy, I enjoyed myself today because Ian was there to protect me.”

Vivian had also gotten down from the carousel and was delighted the moment she saw Sasha.

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Hugging Vivian, Sasha remarked, “I’m sure you are. We should praise Ian for taking good care of you.

Ian, come over here. I want to give you a hug too.”

Sasha beamed as she pulled her eldest son closer.

Praised by Sasha, Ian blushed before shirking in embarrassment.

He was really different from Matteo. Matteo was a lot livelier and more easygoing having been raised by

Sasha. Although he also took care of his sister, he was not as steady as Ian.

Perhaps, the difference lies in the environment they grew up in.

When Sasha saw the sky darken, she began to ponder to herself.

“Matt, Little Ian, we’re going home after we finish the snacks, alright? It’s getting late.”

“Alright, Mommy.”

“Sure, Mommy.”

Both of them agreed in unison.

As Vivian gulped down her Coke, she looked up with her big sparkling eyes when she heard Sasha

mention that they were going home.

“Mommy, where are we going back to? Is it Daddy’s place?”

No one told the innocent little bun that she had been kicked out by Sebastian.

“No, I’m feeling a lot better, so we will go back to our own home together with your brothers, alright?”


She was a little disappointed, she still preferred to stay in a big house.

More importantly, the house belonged to her daddy.

With that, the four of them returned home.

At the same moment, darkness had also fallen.

As it was already evening, Sasha had to prepare dinner. Although the children ate at the amusement

park, it was just considered a light snack. A proper dinner was still a must.

After Sasha brought the children back to Old Town, they went to the supermarket to buy some groceries

before returning to their rented apartment.

“Sweeties, what do you want to have for dinner?”

“I want to have spaghetti!”

“Me too! Ian, Mommy’s spaghetti is the best! Even Uncle Solomon loved it very much.”

Vivian had a very welcoming personality. At the mere mention of spaghetti, she couldn’t help but

introduce it to Ian on his first official day in their home.

However, she accidentally mentioned Uncle Solomon.

Sasha quickly interrupted her. “Alright, we will have spaghetti for dinner then. Matt, take your brother to

wash his face. Vivi, turn on the electric stove. I’ll start cooking right now.”

“Alright, Mommy.”

“Right away, Mommy.”

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The three kids acknowledged obediently.

Only then did Sasha carry the ingredients she bought into the kitchen and started to busy herself.

An hour later, the spaghetti was ready. The minute the children smelled the tantalizing aroma during the

preparation, they rushed into the kitchen to take an occasional peek.

Even the usually reserved Ian couldn’t help himself and sneaked in twice with his siblings.

Finally, Sasha served a plate on the table.

“This is for Vivi.”

“Wow! Thanks Mommy!” Vivian was already salivating.

Smiling, Sasha then served the boys’ portions. However, as there were only two kids’ plates at home,

one of the servings was on an adult plate.

“Don’t worry, this is for Ian.”

Being sensible, Matteo pushed his own kids’ plate toward Ian.

Sasha’s heart warmed in response to what he did.

These are my children, sensible and obedient. What more can I ask for?

After quietly glancing at the children while they were eating, she returned to her bedroom.

Buzz… Buzz…

She suddenly felt nervous the moment the phone rang. After all, she had gone overboard this time.

As expected, once the call got through, a thunderous voice raged over the other line. “Sasha Wand! I’m

going to kill you!”