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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 37
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"Dad, what are you talking about?" Su Xinran looked at her dad grudgingly, and then she enthusiastically greeted Zhou Tian. "Zhou Tian, | never expected you to actually call me. Come, sit down please!" Zhou Tian was not angry with Su Bolai. After all, he had been despised for too many years. It was not a big deal.

Looking at Su Xinran's pure and beautiful face, Zhou Tian was quite touched.

He knew that it wasn't because Su Xinran was asking him for help that she was so nice to him. From high school until now, this woman had never changed. She never felt that money was important to her.

Of the people he knew, there were extremely few people who thought highly of him, this cowardly family's son-in-law. As for Su Xinran, he was one of them.

It was definitely a national treasure.

"Okay, I've promised you. Of course | won't break my promise." Zhou Tian smiled at Su Xinran and sat down.

"Dad, he is my classmate, Zhou Tian." Su Xinran immediately introduced Zhou Tian to his father.

Su Bolai was the standard boss's temperament. Although he was down and out now, his temperament was still there.

Originally, he had attached great importance to Zhou Tian, because Su Xinran had already told him when she went hlast night. It was Zhou Tian who changed Luo Gang's mind in a few words and took back all the projects that should have been taken by the Su Family.

But seeing Zhou Tian in person, Su Bolai was really disappointed.

What was the background of such an ordinary-looking man who drove his BYD car worth tens of thousands of yuan? As long as the Wang Family played a trick, Luo Gang would definitely take back the project and give it to the Wang Family.

Su Xinran looked at her father's cold attitude towards Zhou Tian. She felt a bit awkward, but the intelligent her was still able to mediate the situation.

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"Zhou Tian, this is my dad. He's dull and doesn't like to talk. Hee hee." Su Xinran said with a smile.

Zhou Tian understood that Su Xinran was only saying this to avoid the awkward situation.

"Hello, Uncle Su." Zhou Tian greeted Uncle Su Bolai politely.

Su Bolai just replied with a "hmm". The psychological gap was too big.

He was so excited last night that he didn't sleep well. After all, he could make millions of dollars by managing a small part of the water park. His debts were almost settled.

Moreover, there was the finishing touches of Jinxiu Villa, so he could make a lot of money.

But now it seemed that the so-called "princess" that his daughter mentioned could not guarantee this.

However, Su Xinnnran still believed in Zhou Tian with great confidence. She also understood that her father didn't have much confidence in Zhou Tian, and as such, she said, "Dad, don't worry. This old classmate of mine never talks big. | trust him." "Daughter, things are not as simple as you think. | feel that these projects will still be taken away by the Wang family." Su Bolai smoked and said with a wry smile.

"How come? Luo Gang had already stated his position yesterday. These projects are done according to the rules, and they are not given to the Wang family at all?" Su Xinran said.

Su Bolai patted his daughter on the shoulder and said, "You are still inexperienced in society. Luo Gang is a smart man. He deliberately took advantage of the situation to cheat. He not only sold his family members' faces to Zhou Tian, but also took the opportunity to blackmail the Wang Family." "Dad, do you mean that Luo Gang is playing hard to get? Is he trying to get more benefits from the Wang family?" "Yes, the profit is six or seven million yuan. In order to get these projects, the Wang Family will definitely bribe Luo Gang more. At that time, we will still have no part in the project.” Su Bolai shook his head helplessly.

When Su Xinran heard this, she also calmed down. She weakly leaned back in her chair and didn't say anything.

Hearing Su Bolai's words, Zhou Tian could not help but admire him. Su Bolai was quite experienced and knowledgeable.

This kind of situation was indeed possible, especially in this patriarchal society.

However, Su Bolai still couldn't figure out who he would give these projects to. I, Zhou Tian, had the final say! "Zhou Tian, are you drinking beer or liquor?" Su Xinran revealed a forced smile. Her mind was in chaos.

Zhou Tian smiled and looked at her. "I should drive. | won't drink this time." As soon as the car was mentioned, Su Bolai beceven more angry. He was not sure if he would be safe when he saw Zhou Tian driving a BYD! "Well, what do you like to eat? This is the menu." Su Xinran asked Zhou Tian in a gentle voice, and then handed over the menu to him.

Every day, he didn't bother to be polite to Su Xinran. After all, in his heart, this previous monitor had always been so gentle and pleasant. When he was in school, she took care of him so well.

Just as she was about to order her favorite dishes, a young man outside the door sneaked a peek inside.

"Haha, Su Xinran really did meet up with Zhou Tian." Wang Zibo turned tolLi Panpan and said.

"Dear, you really have nothing better to do. Why are you following Su Xinran?" Li Panpan asked Wang Zibo.

Wang Zibo laughed smugly. He looked at Li Panpan and said, "Hehe, you don't understand the fun here. How can you have a sense of accomplishment if you can beat your opponent and not humiliate her?" "What are you talking about? Last night, it was as if you hadn't seen a woman in several lifetimes. | didn't sleep for half a night, and | had to accompany you to get up early to follow Su Xinran."Li Panpan complained.

"Haha, it's a good show to follow ySu Xinran, that bitch. Last night, didn't she help Zhou Tian to fight with us? Didn't she think she could hug Zhou Tian? Today, let her know that Zhou Tian is a piece of trash, and she carried a pile of shit." Wang Zibo laughed proudly.

"Oh, Master Wang, let's go in quickly. | can't wait to see a good show." At this time, Li PanpanPanpan's best friend, Zou Hui, urged Wang Zibo.

Wang Zibo was very proud. With a wave of his hand, he called for Li Panpan and Zou Hui to follow him. Then, a man and two women walked into the restaurant.

Su Xinran immediately noticed these three individuals with a single look, leaving her momentarily stunned.

Zhou Tian felt that something was wrong. When he looked back, he was also surprised.

"Wow, what a coincidence. We meet again here." Wang Zibo smiled enigmatically and walked to the table.

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Su Xinran didn't say anything. She truly hated Wang Zibo.

Originally, the project was planned by her father. The Wang father and son bribed Luo Gang and took the project away. It was really cheap.

"Wow, Zhou Tian, | didn't expect you to be so powerful. You're already driven Bentley." Li Panpan looked at Zhou Tian with deep admiration.

For the first love in middle school, it always made men have a special entanglement.

Zhou Tian was also a normal man. Although Li Panpan was very annoying yesterday, her affectionate and enchanting expression still made Zhou Tian's heart flutter.

"Yes." Zhou Tian nodded. He did drive the Bentley away last night.

"You're really amazing." Li Panpan blinked his big eyes and looked at Zhou Tian obsessively.

Zhou Tian was confused. What was Li Panpan trying to do? "Even if she really loves money and wants to hook up with me, she can't do it in front of her boyfriend Wang Zibo, right?" "Bentley is nothing. It's just a transportation tool." Zhou Tian expressed his opinion. For him, even setting up a special plane was a matter of minutes. There was nothing to show off.

As soon as he said that, Li Panpan looked at Zou Hui and then Wang Zibo. The three of them burst into laughter at the stime.

As they laughed, the three of them looked at Zhou Tian with contempt.

"Say, Zhou Tian, aren't you fucking thick-skinned? You'll be bright as long as | give you sunlight." Wang Zibo sneered at Zhou Tiandao.

Li Panpan covered her mouth and smiled even more happily. "Zhou Tian, | find that you are really low. Do you think a lie can makethink highly of you? Haha, look at your pitiful and humble self-esteem." "Childe Wang found out that the Bentley is not yours at all. What you drive is a broken BYD. Hahaha, I'm just teasing you. How can you admit that the Bentley is yours without shame? Don't you feel ashamed?" At this time, Zou Hui also began to ridicule him.

Zhou Tian frowned. "What kind of people are they? How can he have such classmates?" Besides, she didn't admit that there was a Bentley. He just said thathe opened Bentley last night.

Su Xinran looked at them coldly. At this time, she said, "Did you all specially cto mock Zhou Tian? Or do you all have other important things to do?" Wang Zibo's face immediately broke into a cold smile when he saw Su Xinran readily answering his question.

Looking at Su Xinran and then at Su Bolai, Wang Zibo said, "Su Xinran, you must have been very happy last night right? It's just a pity that your happiness was wasted." "What do you mean?" Su Xinran began to becnervous. She felt like the thing she was most worried about had still happened.

"Haha, since you are looking forward to meeting your classmates, | will let you understand earlier. Luo Gang has promised to give all those projects to us." Wang Zibo said with a proud smile.

"l don't believe it." "You don't believe me? It's easy. I'll ask Luo Gang to cand tell you in person." Wang Zibo took out his cellphone with a smile and then looked at Zhou Tian playfully. "I said you are a good-for-nothing. Yesterday you showed your face, and you actually managed to persuade Luo Gang. But | will let you taste the feeling of being slapped in the face, hehe..."