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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 3281
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Chapter 3281 Doretta shook her head. "No, but | believe Nicole is looking for an opportunity, or waiting for the right moment to coordinate with US from inside." "Understood," Charlie nodded, thinking that Nicole might only have a preliminary plan, and the specifics would need to be adjusted based on the situation.

"Have you arranged everything on your end?" Doretta casually asked Charlie.

"Yes, I've assigned our most reliable people," Charlie replied.

After giving Charlie a serious look, Doretta cautioned, "Be careful when carrying out the mission. Lawrence may seem like a gentleman, but he's actually ruthless." She thought about how skillfully Lawrence had dealt with Everett without raising any suspicion, highlighting his capabilities. Moreover, being on his turf in Mecrounia made him even more dangerous and difficult to deal with.

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Charlie gave Doretta a thoughtful look. "You be careful too." "Mm," Doretta responded before leaving.

As Charlie watched Doretta walking away, his expression beccomplex, his gaze lingering until she was out of sight.

sok The next day in San Joto, Daniel and Gloria dropped Nolan and Lana off at kindergarten.

"Off you go. We'll cto pick you up after school," Gloria instructed.

"Okay," Nolan and Lana obediently replied.

Daniel and Gloria watched as Nolan and Lana entered the kindergarten before they departed.

With all the children inside, the kindergarten's main gate was closed, and the sound of children's voices reciting lessons filled the air. [x] Suddenly, a silver van pulled up outside the gate, and someone got out to ring the doorbell.

A teacher cout to inquire, "Who are you looking for?" "We received a call saying your Wi-Fi is down. We're here to fix it," the man at the gate responded.

"Is it? | didn't know," the teacher said, looking confused. "Letcheck." "We don't need to check. We can just take a look, and if there's no problem, we'll leave," the visitor insisted, noticing the teacher hesitating to open the gate.

"I should check first. If it's not broken, you won't need to bother." "But you've already called for repairs, and we've call this way. It's better to check." The standoff continued, with the teacher, Anne Morrison, hesitating to open the gate, insisting on checking first.

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Anne, being new, was aware of a past incident where children almost got into trouble, which was why the kindergarten's security was very tight.

As Anne went to verify, the visitor grew anxious, considering forcing their way in.

Just as they prepared to take action, someone stopped them, asking," What are you here for?" "To repair the internet," the person responded, eyeing Seth warily, trying to figure out his role.

"Showyour ID," Seth demanded firmly.

The visitor furrowed his brow, probing, "And who are you?" "Security. Please cooperate," Seth improvised an identity.

He suspected something was off with this person, so he cover to question him, also quite sure there were more people inside the vehicle, thinking, 'Do they really need so many people for a repair?" Moreover, the teacher had mentioned not knowing about any Wi-Fi issue, which raised his suspicions.

He thought it best to be cautious, especially at a tlike this, given Nolan and Lana's safety was paramount.

The visitor hesitated for a moment before reluctantly producing an ID.