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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160

The manager's voice betrayed his excitement. This was indeed a great opportunity,

Nathan leaned against the staircase railing, his steps coming to a halt.

“Can we meet the deadline with our current production capacity at Franklin Group?” Nathan asked.

What concerned him even more was whether the Franklin Group's cash flow would be sufficient for raw material

procurement if Evergreen Biotech didn’t provide financial support.

“With our current production capacity and funds, it’s impossible to meet the deadline within a month, but...

opportunity seldom knocks twice!”

The manager hesitated for a moment.

“We can exploit loopholes in the contract. I've looked at the new contract, and it doesn’t explicitly prohibit

outsourcing! We can partially outsource... That is, share sof the profits.

“Although it seems like we're giving away sof the profits with the first batch of drugs, as long as we secure

the future orders, we'll still make a profit!”

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“In that case,

sendand the legal department a copy of the contract first. We'll review it before making a decision.” Nathan

remained cautious.

“Alright!” The manager replied.

Audrey sat in the casino’s private room, watching news about the contract signing between Evergreen Biotech

and Franklin Group.

On the TV screen, Nathan, dressed immaculately, sat at the long table and signed the contract with a smile,

shaking hands with the head of Evergreen Biotech’s Cascadia region.

Audrey looked through the window, watching Charles win at a gambling table on the ground floor.

A smirk appeared on her lips.

She looked forward to seeing how far Nathan would go to protect Charles for Amelia's sake.

Inside the casino, Charles won again.

The woman clinging to his right arm kissed his cheek, cheering happily.

This caused the long-haired woman on his left arm to feel unhappy, so she picked up her bag and left.

Charles was completely absorbed in the gand didn’t even notice when the long-haired woman


The woman glanced at the private room where Audrey was sitting before finally walking away.

Chapter 160


Charles lost in the next round.

“It’s okay, it’s okay! Mr. Murray has been winning this whole time. It’s normal to lose once in a while! “The

woman beside Charles comforted him.

“That's right! Just one round! Let's go again!” Charles rallied.

In the next round, Charles lost yet again.

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He won the third round, but his joy was short-lived.

He kept losing from the fourth round all the way to the tenth.

The chips he had won earlier in the day were quickly dwindling, but Charles becincreasingly addicted to


After Charles lost all his chips following the consecutive losses, the woman beside him whispered, ” Mr. Murray,

I've noticed that you always start winning after losing a few rounds in a row.

“Look, you've lost four in a row this time. Maybe the next round will be your chance to turn things around! Do

you wantto help you get smore chips?”

Charles thought it made sense and decided to buy more chips.

But when he handed his card to the staff, they returned it with an embarrassed smile. “Mr. Murray, it

appears that your card doesn’t have sufficient funds.”

“How is that possible?” Charles snatched the card back and swapped it for another. “Try this one!”

After trying the new card, the staff awkwardly smiled and said, “Sorry, this card also has insufficient
