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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76

Elysia raised the corners of her lips crookedly.

There was already evidence that it was a poison made by Marquisate Blanche, though her face said that she had no idea.

She was almost fooled by the blink of an eye.

“It’s really incredible. That’s enough for her to get the best actress award.”

She thought that if Lumiere had been born into the previous world, she would have been a great actress. Nonetheless, Lumiere still had a face she didn’t know what she was talking about.

“What do you think would be different if you denied that now saying you never used poison?”

Lumiere smiled, rolling her eyes with a face as if she knew something.

“You must have many enemies besides me.”

“So, you went back to the past?”

It was a question she asked with skepticism. Was Lumiere back in the past? Was such a thing possible or not…?

“Is that important?”

Grinding her teeth, Lumiere placed her hand on Elysia’s neck. A smirk leaked out from her eyes, which seemed to tear her to death immediately. She could see how powerful her red face was, even with the restraints on.

Elysia gently grabbed her wrist and easily lowered her hand.

As Lumiere turned back time, something went wrong and Elysia came to this world.

Her thoughts kept flowing in that direction… No, she might already have been convinced by Lumiere’s reaction, although it was getting harder and harder to control her emotions.

“What brought me here.”

Elysia’s eyes were cold.

As it sank, she threw Lumiere’s wrist away and Lumiere collapsed on the bed. Her slender hand then grabbed Lumiere’s neck.

“You did it right?”

She thought maybe there was a way back, but thanks to her, she met Cassian, so it might not be that bad.

“Now then, tell me. How you turned back time. Have you used black magic in the past?”

Lumiere opened her eyes wide, and her body began to tremble.

Elysia could see the horror in the green eyes, and she sneered at her before strength entered her hand, which had gripped Lumiere’s neck.

“Answer me. How did you get back?”

Lumiere grabbed her neck and opened her lips.

She could have figured it out so easily.

“Uhk. I don’t know…either. I just opened my eyes…and I was back…If you’re going to kill me, kill me.”

…She didn’t seem to be lying, because she pushed her neck as if she didn’t care if Elysia killed her right away. Just thinking of two things: playing at Peliot’s hands, kidnapping her, and giving Cassian a potion, she wanted to kill Lumiere right away.

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Elysia took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Soon, the temple would come to take Lumiere, so she said over and over again that she shouldn’t do things impulsively here.

Meanwhile, Lumiere continued talking to herself as if lost in her mind.

“Yes… If I die, I might come back again.”

The sound of Lumiere’s muttering echoed in her ears. She stared at her with an expressionless expression and raised her hand.

Did she lose her mind in the current situation…?

Is it because she used black magic? Those who used black magic were often exposed to bad emotions, so they were consumed by those emotions and eventually went crazy or committed slaughter. That was the biggest reason black magic was banned.

There seemed to be no more conversation to do, and there seemed to be nothing to find out.

Elysia clasped her hand a couple of times, then stretched it out and left the room.

When she left the room, she saw Cassian leaning against the wall with an expressionless face. As she gazed at his face, the rush of emotions seemed to subside in an instant.

Though unlike hers, Cassian changed to an angry face.

He immediately grabbed her waist and closed his distance. It seemed that he probably heard all of her conversations with Lumiere. All the stories of whether she turned back time or whether it was her who called Elysia.

She realized that she could no longer hide it from Cassian…

As she was contemplating where to start, Cassian grabbed her wrist and raised it.

“Ah, when is this…”

Cassian stared intently at the imprint of fingernails on her wrist.

She grabbed Lumiere’s wrist while she was holding her chin, and it appeared to have been a scratch from that time. Elysia could feel the strength in Cassian’s hand holding her wrist.

“This is why I don’t want to wait outside.”

It was clearly a protest that could have been avoided. Elysia, who was about to say her words to Cassian, turned her head at a sudden gaze.



Lloyd glanced at her with tears in his eyes and hugged the papers piled up in his arms. Was there urgent approval, or are there a lot of documents delayed? She was a little confused, wondering if that was all.

What she had to say to Cassian was also urgent.

Thinking that, she glanced at Cassian and saw him looking at Lloyd with his eyes off her wrist.

“Cassian. I’ll tell you everything once the urgent matter is done.”


“All I know.”

Cassian raised the corners of his mouth with a face cold enough to chill her spine. Seeing that, Elysia took a step back unknowingly as he came one step closer.

“Lloyd, bring the papers to the office. I will go now.”

She swallowed a gulp in an unusual atmosphere.

Perhaps, Lloyd felt it, too, because she could see him hurrying to the office. It looked like he was running away.

Elysia took Cassian’s hand and walked him towards the office together.

“Will you listen to me? Not because I was hiding it, but because I don’t think you’d believe me…”

There was no response from Cassian, even at her excuses. He seemed to be very angry as he didn’t say anything until he gets to the office. Since he was a quick-witted person, he must have predicted something just from the conversation he heard.

Elysia arrived at the door of the office and squeezed her clasped hand, pulling it tighter.

“Then, I’ll be waiting for you.”

“It seems like you don’t have to say it for me to know, but I’ll listen.”

There was a clear anger in his low, sunken voice.

No. It seemed to be a slightly different emotion from anger.

At the end of the words, her body was pulled, and there was a clicking sound, and all of a sudden, the door to the office was right in front of her. She rolled her eyes and looked around, not in the hallway, but in the office.

Cassian hugged her from behind, lowered her head and bit the nape of her neck.


“I believe it. Everything you say.”

Cassian’s lips slowly moved downward as if he had just responded to her earlier words. She could feel his hand gripping her chest or his hand pulling up the hem of her dress and her skirt.

…So suddenly? In this situation?

Elysia frowned.

This was his office, and it wouldn’t be strange if someone knocked on it. Besides, Lloyd, who had gone a while ago, could come back.

With that thought, she hurriedly grabbed Cassian’s hand.

“Uh… Wait a minute. I’ll tell you everything. Once we go to the bedroom… Ah!”

Elysia couldn’t finish her words as the hand brushed her thigh.

“Tell me now.”

What was she going to say in this state? Even though she wondered if he was serious, it didn’t seem like he was joking.

“Why are you angry? Do I have something to hide from you?”

“I’m not angry.”

“I think…you’re angry—Huu.”

It was difficult for her to continue her words because of Cassian, who lowered his lips, engraving red marks. She thought she’d talk about it a little later, and she kept her mouth shut as the intensity of the stimulation he gave her increased.

“Tell me.”

“Uhh… Really…now?”

“Yes, now.”

Contrary to his resolute voice, Cassian’s fingers were moving very tenderly.

She was starting to wonder if he was really angry. Elysia couldn’t protest against his fingers pushing in at once, and was busy swallowing the groans that were about to escape. The arms that were holding the door trembled.

As he bit and licked her shoulder, the hair all over her body seemed to stand on its own.

“…It’s too tight. I think you’re getting more and more sensitive.”

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Heat rose to her face as he spoke in a blunt-sounding voice. What if anyone hears it? Though she tried to feel the presence outside the office, it wasn’t possible at Cassian’s stimulation. Her groan slowly leaked out without her knowing.

Cassian licked her earlobe and opened his mouth.

“Do you know when it feels the best to have you by my side?”

Elysia thought that she might not have to know, and she gasped.

“Ahhk—! That, go…”

Elysia thought she had to put up with the noise, so she bit her lips belatedly.

Just before the end of her pleasure, he suddenly withdrew his hand. She was thinking it was her punishment for not telling him beforehand, but the sound of the buckle being loosened was heard.

Cassian grabbed him by the waist and overlapped his body.


“Move with me.”

Elysia’s body, standing at the door of the office, trembled as if she was about to collapse at any moment. At that moment, he then wrapped his arms around Elysia’s waist and supported her so she wouldn’t fall.

“Heup. Cassian…”

“Shh. You should lower your voice.”

Cassian kissed her on the shoulder in succession as if to comfort her, but opposingly, none of his movements were kind.

As she managed to catch her breath, Cassian moved slowly and spoke.

“Tell me now.”

“…How can I…like this… Ahk!”

It was a voice mixed with resentment.

“You said you’d tell me, if you don’t want to, I’ll stop. I’m fine with it.”

Was he saying he would continue doing it until she say it?

Elysia heard a smirk and laughter, and the sound made her strengthen her body.

Normally, he would have stopped moving his waist, although today, he started to covet her more wildly. In the end, Elysia had no choice but to tell Cassian what he wanted. It was difficult to continue her words because of her irregular breathing, still, what can she do?

She had to soothe him first. Otherwise, she thought she was going to die.

…How she found herself being in the she read and what the original story was like.

During all of this, Cassian grabbed her and put her on the edge of the desk in the office, and then came back on top of her again.

“Cassian…Ahk, Cassi—”

“Whoo…. You have to keep going.”

Elysia wrapped her arms around his neck and said her next words.

The moment she uttered that she wasn’t the real Elysia, Cassian stood still. Anxiety rushed in. She could see the corners of his eyes turning red in an instant.


“Ah… Then it wasn’t about you.”
