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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72

Elysia saw Cassian’s gaze, who was looking at her, turned towards her back. She followed his gaze and turned her head to see two men who both got off their horses in a hurry.

It was a man with glasses and a man with brown hair.

“Lady Elysia!”

She tilted her head while looking at the green eyes like a deer calling out to her.

They seemed to know her, too.

Whenever the man wearing glasses made a gesture, the magic circle carved on the top of the tower cracked, and she felt the earth vibrate shallowly.

‘He’s a wizard.’

“You came so quickly.”

Cassian, who was sullen and clenched his tongue, frowned as he looked at her wrist again. The more he reached out and looked at her wrist. The more blood could be seen dripping from his shoulder.

Elysia shook off his hand, she said.

“Put me down, right away. You should do first aid…?”

Even though he seemed reluctant, Cassian hesitantly lowered her as her eyes pierced his wounds. He was already shed a lot of blood, so it wouldn’t be dangerous.

“Excuse me, please help this person. He has a wound on his shoulder…”

The voice that had been urgently asking for help became more and more wet at the end.

The two men who came closer were looking at themselves with bewildered expressions.

“Did she just say excuse me to me?”

“Lady Elysia…?”

The two men approached with serious expressions and looked at her without looking at Cassian. Elysia wiggled her eyebrows, and she glanced at them and hui alternately.

“Sir Ramote.”

“Even if it wasn’t, I thought I’d see it. What the lady was saying was so ridiculous.”

Elysia watched as Ramote examined Cassian’s shoulder. When his bleeding stopped, Ramote rummaged through his bag, pulled out his bandage, and threw it into Ryan’s arms.

Remote sighed and grabbed her wrist while Ryan bandaged Cassian.

Elysia grimaced her face and let out a groan.

“Ah… it hurts.”

The inside of her wrist had gone beyond her flesh and looked like it had been torn.

Remote continued to click his tongue, examining her wrist. Magic seemed to wrap around her wrist, and the red magic engraved on her wrist faded and disappeared.

He let out a sigh and said to Elysia.

“Where’s the cat?”


He nodded his head when Elysia asked if the question she had heard was correct.

A cat?

Remote clicked his tongue and looked at the tower behind.

“It must be there.”

As she watched the two men disappear, Cassian gently grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

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Hearing his voice, she stiffened her body at the sensation of touching her bare skin.

Cassian took off his shirt and put on his jacket, with only the bandages on. He grinned and hugged her tightly.

“Hey… I think I know him, but I can’t remember.”

“It seems so.”

Cassian smiled faintly and grabbed her by the waist and under her knees. Elysia peeked at his shoulder and yelled in surprise, though he didn’t care and moved on.

At that time, she felt several knights approaching.

It sounded like at least ten horses running. From a distance, she could see the knights wearing the same clothes approaching with great speed.


Elysia was startled when she saw the man who was calling out to her at the forefront. It looked like his eyes were looking straight at her. She couldn’t believe she was the madam.

With that thought, she turned to Cassian and opened her mouth hesitantly.

“…Is the madam me?”



What does it mean? Is it yes or no?

The man who had shouted “Madam” hurriedly jumped off his horse and approached her.

“Huuuh. Huuukk—waaaaaahh…! Madam, you’re doing well. Huukk—His Excellency also took some strange drug… Huhhuuu.”

A man about twice the size of her began to cry, even with a runny nose. He wiped the tears from his sleeve and shook his shoulders violently.

Elysia scrambled back to the man who was sniffing, crying.

“Bug. Don’t talk nonsense, get the carriage ready.”

Bug’s face suddenly had a thought, ‘here?’ it was evident. However, he looked at her and he soon got back on his horse with an understanding face and disappeared.

She thought it was a bit sad to see the back figure squirming and disappearing.

It was a quick exit as much as his intense appearance.

After Elysia got into the carriage, she continued to think about the gaze that penetrated her. When she summarized the situation so far, Madam was referring to her, Cassian’s wife.

So, doesn’t that mean that man is her husband…?

If so, what was Peloit?

She proudly said she was breaking up with Peloit in front of her husband…?

Elysia wanted to make sure that the situation she was thinking about was correct, so she decided to ask the question openly.

“Did I cheat on you?”

’Are you here to catch me?’

The word was swallowed.

Had he seen her kissing Peloit earlier? Having seen it, she wanted to believe he would not have answered vaguely when asked if the Madam was referring to her.


“Are we getting a divorce?”

Cassian raised his eyebrows and lifted her body up, locking her in his arms. Elysia swallowed her saliva as she saw him approaching.

“No, it never will.”

“That’s a relief.”

“Then, I think you’ve learned that I’m your husband. Excuse me.”

“What? …Kyaak!”

Cassian knelt down on one knee in front of her and grabbed her ankle. He moved just fine with a bandage around his shoulder.

Heat rose to her face as he rolled up the dress without hesitation.

No matter how married they were, this was not right!

Elysia pushed him down and stretched out her hand, then saw him examining the wounds on her leg, and she put it back down. He was trying to see the cut on her thigh, and she had thought to herself.

Elysia groaned softly as she felt the power enter the hand gripping her ankle.


“This. Who did it?”

There was no immediate answer to the voice that had subsided to the point where her spine was chilled.

“That… I heard that I was hurt when I fell…”

“That’s ridiculous.”

Elysia made a tearful face.

She had a bad feeling that this bloody atmosphere would continue.

Cassian sighed and untied the piece of fabric that had been tied to her thigh. Her engraved patience endured whenever his fingers rubbed her. She felt like she shouldn’t have reacted like this. He was not an ex-boyfriend, but a husband after all!

Didn’t he say that he loved her even after watching her kiss another guy?

Okay, she should apologize first.

“Forgive me.”

She tried to say sorry, but a very polite apology popped out.

Cassian raised his head and looked at her, and frowned.

“You have nothing to feel sorry for me. Not a single thing. I have to be the one to apologize.”

“What did you do to me?”

After all, there must be a reason when she cheated on a man she liked like that. She was so determined and brazenly raised the corners of her lips.

“I don’t know what it is, but I’ll forgive you until my memory comes back.”

No matter what he did wrong, he said that he did something wrong with that face, so she wanted to forgive him. Besides, wasn’t he the man who was going to die for her, saying he was going to block the attack on her?

“What should I do for my wife in return?”

Saying so, Cassian tilted his head and smiled languidly.

Elysia glimpsed at his smile and swallowed a gulp. Neither Cassian nor her were in good shape, though she would have to endure it. She couldn’t even remember if she ever drank his blood.

“But how did you and I get married?”

She narrowed her eyes and gazed at him.

There was no way she could marry a human. Of course, the man in front of her seemed to be willing to do that.

“Oh, nothing.”

Elysia shook her head. She didn’t know what had happened, although the moment she looked at her purple eyes that seemed to have hurt, she felt like she had to remember it for herself.

Cassian looked at her quietly and smiled softly.

She felt like he needed a hug.

Elysia sat on Cassian’s legs and let out a long breath as if in trouble.

He looked closely for any injuries other than her thigh and finally fell asleep while hugging her waist. She thought it would be uncomfortable, so she tried to step aside, although his arm wrapped around her waist couldn’t release because of how tight he was holding her.

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It was impossible to use any power on a person who was sleeping like this, so in the end, she was quiet for a long time.

It was difficult because the breath he exhaled was so close.

Elysia tried not to put any weight on Cassian’s injured shoulder as much as possible and gently lifted his hand that was on her thigh.

Even though it was a hand holding a sword, it was a very pretty hand.

She took her hand and fiddled with it for a while. She heard a smirk behind her.

“You should just wake me up if you were going to touch me like that.”

“What? No, just. I’m bored.”

Elysia put down his hand and rolled her eyes.

It was her husband, and she thought it was okay to touch him, and then she thought of something about Peloit, and she shrugged her shoulders.

Cassian said as he kissed her shoulder as if unaware of her confusion.

“Hmm. That’s all?”

“It’s not like I’m going to be strick with hurt people.”

“I’m fine.”

Elysia frowned lightly. She came down from his legs and moved to the side.

Cassian quietly let her go.

“Actually, I don’t even remember how I got along with you, but I don’t know if I can go with you like this.”

“It seems like we’ve been pretty hot. Can I just say that my lips didn’t have time to heal?”

“Why are your lips… Ah.”

At that moment, she understood what Cassian was saying and was bewildered. That being said, that meant they’d done everything like this and that.

Somehow, heat rose on her face.

He then grabbed her hand, placed his cheek in the palm of her hand, and came closer. There was heat in the purple eyes that looked up at her with only his upper body out.

“If you’re hungry.”


“You can kiss me.”

She could see Cassian gently lifting his cheek and kissing the palm of her hand.

It was an obvious temptation.

Elysia pulled his collar as if possessed. Cassian shoved her chin down and poked between her gaping lips.

When she felt terribly thirsty, she didn’t bite his lip.

The touch that carefully wrapped her cheeks as if it would break if he touched it with a little force, or the gaze that she could clearly feel even with my eyes closed, was so hot that her heart ached.

To say she can kiss her if she’s hungry would have meant to suck his blood, but she couldn’t bear to do that because the kisses that entwined her while stirring her tender skin contained a variety of unknown emotions.

Somehow, it felt like she was getting nervous.

It was just a kiss.

Elysia wrapped her arms around Cassian’s neck and hugged him tightly. His large hands, which had been stroking her cheeks and the nape of her neck over and over again, firmly supported her waist and back and hugged her tightly.

It was full of heat as the breath mingled between her slightly apart lips.

She had been caught in his gaze for a while as she barely opened her mouth.

“…Excuse me.”


He twisted his head slightly, bit her earlobe, and whispered.

“Call my name. That’s how you called me.”

Her body trembled at his low, suppressed voice.
