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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 38
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Chapter 38


What Natalie and Hunter did toleft a permanent scar on my heart. Over-the-

counter medicine cannot cure the pain their betrayal infiicted on me. If I could. I

would erase all the memories I had of them. I want to see them as strangers, not

someone I used to know.

Looking into Hunter’s eyes, knowing his tells, madeclench my fist so tight

they turned white.

He’s mad. Anger shot from his eyes as they slid on the long bruise on my left

arm. I scraped it against the window sill when Rhauleddown like a rag

doll. A bandage on the back of my head covered a wound the size of a penny. It

would leave a permanent scar on my scalp, no hair would grow in that spot

again. My leggings and loose shirt hid all the other bruises and scratches on my


As the lead investigator in this case, he has first-hand information on my

medical reports. So why does it look like he’s learning about the physical abuse

I received for the first time?

“How are you doing?” Hunter asked, genuine concern shone in his eyes. Though

he wore a mask of indifference, I could still see through his tough cop facade.

Our relationship might have ended terribly, but we shared part of our lives for

two years and a half. Two years and a half that I wanted to undo..

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I’ve been better. My composure was unshakable in the n*ked eyes, when inside,

I was a trembling mess.

Damian askedto sit this out, but I decided it was best to deal with it now. No

one would do this for me. But there was a considerable difference between

knowing and doing that. Just the thought of RFletcher, how he stepped out

of the shadows in my room like the monster I’ve been terrified of since I was

five, how his calloused hand felt against my skin. determined to do towhat

he will, and how he stared down atlike a starved man and I was his meal

madewant to vomit everything I had for breakfast. My stomach was a

twisted iness since Hunter walked in. My feet itched to dash from the

living room where we were seated to Damian’s room and lock myself there


Damian stood in the corner, his hawk eyes glued on Hunter and me. Once my

gaze locked with his, understanding blanketed his face. Hunter eyeballed

Damian as he crossed the room and occupied the space besideon the long

couch, He grabbed my clammy hand, enveloping it in his huge one. Though my

ch*st was still heavy, Damian’s nearness loosened. the shackles around my


Hunter gawked at our joined hands with a feral gaze. Glowering, his nails dug

into the leather covers of his notepad as he prepared to take my statement. “I

know this isn’t easy, but could you walkthrough what happened the night of

the assault?

I squeezed Damian’s hand, drawing courage from him before recounting what

happened that night, f movies to the moment Rstepped out of the

shadows. Whenever my voice trembled, Damian wou my knuckles.

“For the record, did you know RFletcher before the incident at the Black


1 frowned, confused. “No. I haven’t resided here for years. Everyone I know in

Roslin City could attest to th

Hunter’s voice was steady as he said. “Outside Roslin City.”

The edge in his voice didn’t sit well with me. “What are you implying?”

“KFletcher claims that you knew each other before the incident, that you

invited him into your house.”

1 fiinched. A throb started to pound in my head. “The hell would I be involved

with someone like him?”

“Someone like him?” Hunter stared down at me, concern bubbled beneath his

cool blue eyes.

Damian and I didn’t discuss his information in Rin particular, but I’m not s

tupid to realize my mistake.


Eyes glued on Hunter’s face, rage coated my words. “Someone who’d try to

touchwithout my consent. Someone who’d


09:27 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 38

take advantage of a woman twice smaller than him. Someone who’d threaten to

hurt the people I care about if I don’t break up with my boyfriend. I could go on,

Hunter. Let’s cut the bu lls hit and tellwhy the f uck you’re asking me

something you already know the answer to,” I said through gritted teeth, my

heart punching out of my breastbone.

Hunter blinked away whatever doubt he had from before. “I am obliged to take

his statement as well, Millicent. And I’m letting you know that Rlawyered

up. They would take this to court and fight.”

My vision tunneled. “He can do whatever the f uck he wants, but would stand by

my statement because I am the one telling the truth!”

I could hear my heartbeat through the silence that ticked by. Tears pr icked my

eye, bile slithered up my throat, leaving a sour taste on my tongue. How dare

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

that ba stard try to make himself look like the victim? Rwanted to imply

that I him reason to assault me? What the f uck?

Damian was the epitof a calm morning breeze. “Your thirty minutes are

done. Detective Lean. If you have further questions for her, speak to her lawyer.”

He handed Hunter a card, then stood to open the door.


Hunter’s gaze could cut through steel. Fixing his leather jacket, he stretched to

his full height and stared down at me. “You still have my number?” I answered

him with a forced nod. “Callif you remember anything else that might help

this case. I will make sure RFletcher pays for what he’d done to you

Once Hunter was gone. Damian’s eyes softened. He rushed toand drew me

into his arms. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and my entire b*dy shook with

anger. Damian letsoak his shirt with my tears. He’d becthe beacon that

guidedthrough these dark times. Although I’ve pushed him away since New

York, he showed nothing but understanding and kindness

No, he didn’t need to go out of his way and sleep withlast night, but he did

so I could have srest and not be afraid

of the dark.

I realize this was the tthat I finally admitted to myself how completely and

utterly in love I am with Damian Black. The situation was as f ucked up as it

could get, but once this contract was over, I knew Damian would be taking my

heart with
