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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 23
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Chapter 23


I stepped out of the powder room and went back to the function hall, searching

for Damian. He was at the bar with his friends,

‘He’s a crowd favorite, Sonja’s voice rang in my ears. She’s right. People laugh at

his jokes, listen to his opinion, and Damian knew how to compliment people in

ways that would make them feel important and valued.

My date tonight was Damian, the businessman, son of Erik Black, heir to his

billion-dollar real estate and construction empire.

But studying him now from afar. I noticed he kept toying with the cuffiinks of his

dress shirt. The sides of his eyes twitched each tsomeone belched a

comment regarding people’s fiaws, imperfections, or shortcomings. His smile

was charming but never reached his eyes. This version of him, no matter how

charming and attractive his domineering stature was, was my least favorite.

Feeling my eyes on him, he steered a gaze in my direction, brows furrowed.

I drew a deep breath and made my way in his direction, ready to put on another


“What took you so long?” Damian growled in my ears, drawingby the waist,

and planted a lingering k*ss on my cheeks.)

“Jesus, Black.” Garrett Lantz groaned. He’s the son of Tomas Lantz, the host of

this fundraiser. And through all the people Damian introducedto, Garrett

seemed the closest to him. He sported a boyish charm with his tousled brown

hair, deep blue eyes, and a killer b*dy. His smile was so warm that it would put

anyone immediately at ease with him. “Can’t you be more subtle in being p ussy


And yep, his d*rty mouth probably charmed a woman in his bed every night.

“Watch your mouth, Lantz,” Damian growled, tightening his possessive grip on

my waist as he glared at Garrett.

Garrett shook his head, sipping the golden liquid on his rock glass. “If this guy

ever breaks your heart, you know where to find me.”

Damian shoved Garrett, his fingers digging into my hips. “Not a f ucking chance,

Lantz. Stop trying to steal what’s mine.”

Garrett had fallen into a peal of hysterical laughter, gathering a few curious

gazes our way. Damian didn’t see enjoy Garett’s glee at his expense.

They were still bickering when a couple, twice older than our age, approached

us. The man patted Garett Damian a hard tagain, huh, son?”

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“Of course,” Garrett puffed his ch*st out. “It’s my mission to push his patience to

the limit.”


The old man in a white tuxedo top and black pants turned to Damian. “Thank

you for covering for your


Damian huffed, accepting the older guy’s hand. “This is becoming a habit of his.

Thank He

1 for inviting u lady in a white evening gown. Her brown hair was pulled up in a

neat bun, and her blue eyes darted a soft, wetoward Damian and me.

“Georgina, you look stunning, as always

Georgina blushed as Damian k*ssed the back of her hand. “And you’re as

charming as always, Damian.” Her gaze slid me. “And who’s this lovely lady?”

There was very little space between Damian’s hips and mine, but he still drew

Tomas Lantz was hailed no 3 as the rich*st man in the world in last year’s

survey, sporting a $123.1 billionworth, and I can’t stop the reticence that

spiraled down my spine in his presence. I hit my l*p, murmuring a timid ‘hello,

it’s an honor to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Lantz, to the couple, glad that Damian

took their attention, boasting what I do for a living.

09:25 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 23


Honestly, I don’t understand what was there to boast about what I do. These

people practically make thousands of dollars every hour of their lives, if not

millions. But Damian made it sound like Effortless Events were the best in our


“We will be celebrating our golden wedding anniversary in September, Georgina

said, looking up at Tomas. “And we’re looking for an event planner, right,


Tomas gazed down at his wife, a loving tension growing between the two. “It’s

up to you, honey.”

“What would you

u ever do without me, huh?” She narrowed her eyes at her husband.

Tomas chuckled, k*ssing the top of her hair, and turned to Damian, asking him

about the proposal he spoke with Erik

Georgina shook her head and pluckedaway from Damian. “Why don’t we

leave the men to their business? I’ll give you sideas about what I want for

our anniversary, then you can decide if you want to organize it? How does that


I glanced at Damian helplessly. I didn’t want to leave his side. He only nodded at

“Who was I to turn this woman down?”

Georgina broughtto one of the balconies to discuss her ideas for their

anniversary. She was leaning on an intimate celebration, about a hundred

guests more or less, composed of their families and closest friends.

We exchanged contact information, and I promised to get back to her on

Monday. Candice would be thrilled about this. Georgina was reluctant to leave

my side when her assistant approached her, saying Beatrice Rogers was looking

for her.

When I returned to the function hall, Damian was nowhere in sight. I tarried by

the bar and ordered a gin and tonic. I needed a push to get through the rest of

this night. The music halted, and people settled in their seats as Garrett walked

up the stage and spoke about the cause this fundraiser would aid. The man

speaking on that stage differed from the guy bickering with Damian. He was

regal and commanded dominance with each word he spoke.

Applause rained as Garrett called Tomas on stage. While the spotlight followed

Tomas, I caught sight of my date in the shaded corner of the hall. My eyes

needed a few seconds to adjust to the dimness of his location. And when I

recognized who he was talking to, chills coated my skin.

Damian stood with his side facing me, lost in an intense conversation with

Sonja. They were standing too close. She had one hand on his arm and another

on his chest. Everyone’s attention was on Tomas, and no one noticed how they

looked like a couple engaged in an intense, passionate conversation.

Sonja’s words didn’t get to me, but this definitely did. A tight knot formed on my

belly, pushing the gin and tonic backup where they cin.

Although it was impossible, Damian felt my gaze on him, turning his head my

way. I looked away, focused my attention on Tomas and the history of their

foundation. I hear his speech, but it doesn’t register in my head. My heart was

drumming, a hairline cr ack slithering through my chest.

Why was I feeling this way? Damian isn’t mine. I have no hold over him. He felt

something for Sonja. I knew this from the start, but why does it physically hurt

to breathe?

In my peripheral vision, I saw Damian walking toward me. My heart stammered

for a different reason. My feet itched to bolt out of this building, away from him,

but I did none of that. I stayed rooted where I was and pretended to be

oblivious to what I saw, of what I was feeling.

“Millicent,” Damian looped his arms around my waist, standing behind my

barstool. “It’s not what it seemed.” he rested his chin on my bare shoulder.

1 patted a soothing hand above his, blinking away the sting pr ickling my eyes.

“It’s okay.”

It’s really not. Jealousy punctured my throat so deeply that I felt a bile rising in

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my mouth.

Tomas called Damian’s name. The spotlight fiickered in our direction. Damian

cursed under his breath, released me, and headed up the stage. Erik was a huge

donor to the foundation, and Damian gave a heartfelt and meaningful speech

on his father’s behalf. I half listened to his words, my heart still aching in my

ch*st cavity. I ordered another gin and tonic to



09:25 Sat, Feb 10 M

Chapter 23

silence the pulsing jealousy in my head.

As the orchestra’s music resumed, Damian made a beeline for me.

“Let’s get out of here. He left no room for protest and dragged the out of the

function hall. We exited in the opposite direction of the entry. Our ride was

waiting in the back alley of the building: silence filled the entire ride hack to our


“Millicent, talk to me.” Damian gripped my wrist and spunaround before I

could slot the key card into my suite.


“It’s fine, really.” I gave him the sanswer for the last three times he asked if I

was okay. “Don’t worry about it. Just be careful next tyou talk to her. People

might think differently

Damian growled. Like a lion pouncing on his prey. he pinnedon the closed

door: his hand seized my throat, preventing a squeal from tumbling past my

l*ps. His hold meant to dominate, but not to hurt me. I could free myself if I

wanted to

“No lies. Annoyance blanketed his face. “It’s stated in our deal. You’re breaking


My pulse drummed against his hold. “I have to be fine with it. I have no right to

be jealous, okay”

He smirked, puncturingwith a triumphant gaze. “So you admit it, you’re


My emotion rattled the cage I put them in, trying to break free. I narrowed my

eyes at him, nose fiaring. “Yes! I was. You happy?”

“F ucking ecstatic. Then his insistent l*ps descended upon mine.