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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 41
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41. Something’s changed



I was dead on my feet and I wanted nothing more than to soak in a bathtub before going

to sleep.

We had been planning this banquet for weeks. At first I wasn’t supposed to come. It was

supposed to be like always where Mary represented me. After my breakdown in the

kitchen that day, I decided it was time to stop hiding.

Mary was excited when I told her that I would be attending the dinner party. For five years

my identity had remained a secret. Not because I was afraid of anyone finding out but

because I just wanted to live my life in peace.

I didn’t want to be in the limelight. I didn’t want people all of a sudden sucking up to me

because they realized I was rich. Now, though I could come out of the shadows. I knew

those that are

genuine and those that are not.

I mean fuck, there are already people here tonight who were trying to get on my good

graces. Men and women who had looked down on me and treated me like shit before,

simply because I didn’t

have a high paying job and according to them. Because they believed I didn’t have a dime

to my


It was fucking frustrating. I just wanted to be away from them all.

“I still can’t believe that you’re the founder of Hope Foundation” Letty says awe in her

voice. “Why

didn’t you tell me?”

It was hours after my talk with Rowan. I stood next to him and told him my mind. Told him


things were going to be like and I felt nothing.

There’s just something so rejuvenating about letting the past go. I wasn’t fully healed, but

my heart didn’t hurt every freaking second like it used to

Iteel nothing towards Rowan and my so called family. No anger. No bitterness. No hatred. I

was sort of numb and I liked that I liked that I could now breathe easily without the

constant feeling of drowning


I turn to Letty “Yes?”

“You haven’t answered my question” Letty says with a pout


“I didn’t tell you because no one else knew except for those who work at Hope foundation,


children and Noah I had requested them to keep it a secret till I was ready for my identity

to be

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made public”

She nods her head in understanding Then she grows quiet. Her eyes shift to Rowan’s table

Landing on Travis and staying there for a while before she pulls them away

Since Rowan was our biggest donor, our tables were close to each. I heard everything that

was said earlier From Christine and Emma mocking me to Letty defending me and calling

out their childish behavior

When Travis told her to leave, I knew I couldn’t let her I asked Mary to tell the bodyguard

to stop her and bring her to our table. As for Christine, it was just a little payback for all

those times she was cruel to me. It was so satisfying seeing her leave with her tail tucked

between her legs.

“You can go to him Letty it’s okay. I don’t mind I tell her nodding my head towards Travis


He also threw glances at Letty once in a while She didn’t notice it, but I did.

*I can’t. Not after his abominable behavior. He says he wants you to be forgiven by you

and yet he lows Emma and Christine trash talk you” her anger lises just a little, showing

just how mach in still passed her off a

“I’m thankful that you stood up to me, but as you can see I don’t need anyone fighting my

battles I give her a soft smile “You love Travis, I see that You’re my friend Letty My bestled

if I was being howest and that means i want the best for you I want you happy and if

Travis makes you Sappy then I can accept that

She stares at the, before her eyes grows big “Something has changed”

What do you mean?” I ask trying to hide my smile

There is just something different about you, now that I’m looking at you what is whats

I dont know Head be that I just got thed of living in bitterness of could be that that S**


it 1

san ? Tot my chip in thought “It’s definitely the cer

“What cerns, making some people tom taus



I laugh at how comical she looked.

“You had S** with Ethan?” she repeats as if she just couldn’t comprehend what I was

telling her.

“Yes” I smirk remembering it. “Multiples times actually” (1

“When you say multiples times, do you mean in one night or more than one night?”

I can’t help the grin that takes over my face “I mean multiple times a night for several


Her jaw drops open before her mouth curves and she grins at me like an idiot.

“Damn woman! I mean if him S**ing you is what is bringing that goofy grin on your face

then continue doing you babe. You deserve to have great S** and be happy” 2

This is one of the reasons why I love Letty. She didn’t judge and she was so supportive.

I throw my hands around her and bring her in for a hug. “Thank you Letty, for just being


She’s caught off guard for a while, but then she recovers and hugs me back.

“Now, go and talk to Travis. I know you want to” I tell her.

This time she doesn’t wait around. She excuses herself and leaves our table just as Ethan

comes back. He takes his seat before turning and kissing my lips

“You’re truly addictive” he whispers in my ear.

I swallow as his warm breath and words ignite a new kind of heat inside me.

“Ethan…” the words come out as a breathy moan.

“Your dress leaves nothing to the imagination, Ava….I want nothing more than to have

those beautiful legs wrapped around my waist as I bury my cock so deep inside you, you’ll

be feeling me for days“>

I clench my legs at the image he painted.

It was safe to say I was truly fucked when it comes to Ethan. He has taught me so much

about myself and my desires. My likes and dislikes in bed. I didn’t even know there was so

many ways of bringing someone pleasure.

With Ethan, I was slowly rising from slumber. I was finally accepting my S**uality


I came to the realization that I loved S** a lot. Ethan taught me to accept that. He taught

me to never be ashamed of that. To never be ashamed of asking and to never be ashamed

of initiating it.

With Rowan, I tried pushing my needs down because deep down I knew he was sleeping

with me out of need not because he wanted to. He’s the one that always initiated S**. I

never once did for fear of being turned down. So even when the need arose, I used to

push it down until he came to

1. me.

I was just about to ask Ethan if it was possible to find a private place when my phone


I see mother’s name flashing, the mood was instantly killed.

“Excuse me, I have to take this” I tell him.

Having seen the calls several times and knowing they were Noah, he nods his head with a


I walk out to the garden and answer.

“Hey mommy” my sweet boy greets.

“Hello, my love…how are you today?”

“Bored” he grumbles. “How’s the party? I feel so bad I couldn’t come”

I did want him to attend, but I was afraid of putting him in danger. The chief officer called

me earlier today and told me that the man who had attacked me was killed.

He also told me not to let my guard down. He said that just because the guy was dead, it

didn’t mean that there wasn’t any more danger.

“I know honey. It is a wonderful party and I will send you pictures.” I pause. “Your friends

also told me to say hi to you”

We used to go with Noah to the foundation houses on Saturdays. He hit it off with the kids

there, even the older ones. They all loved him and even asked for him today.

“Is Kingstone there?” he asks in excitement.

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“Yes he is…I gave him your grandmother’s number, he said he will call you soon”

Caleb and Noah had a relationship like I had never seen before. Caleb viewed Noah as his

baby brother and vice versa. Even though they had a huge age gap between them, they

were close Those two could fall for bound


“Yes” he screams through the phone. “I’ve missed him so much.”

“And he has missed you too” I smile even though he can’t see it.

“Alright mommy, it’s time for me to sleep…I just wanted to hear your voice before I do” he

tells me sweetly and my heart warms at that.

It was now night. The children had already gone back to Hope House a couple of hours

back. Just like with any other house with children. Hope House had curfew

“It’s okay. Goodnight and remember that I love you so much”

I felt my eyes moisten. Damn it, I miss him so much. It’s been months and I just want him

with me.

“I love you too, mommy. Goodnight”

It’s after I hang up the phone that I feel eyes watching me. I look around, but I see

nothing. I hadn’t realized that I’d walked a bit far away from the hall. That I had gone

deeper into the darkened garden, where there were no people around.

I start moving.

I could still feel those eyes burning at my back. Picking up the hem of my dress, I increase

my speed. The moment I do, I start to feel heavy footsteps behind me.

My heart starts racing and I start running. Shit, how could I have been so stupid? There

was still a target on my back and yet I walked to a secluded place.

Whoever the person is, increases their pace also. I wanted to look behind me, but I knew

that would be a mistake. I was running in heels. The possibility of tripping was great and

that’s the last thing I wanted.

I start panicking when I feel them gaining on me. The air was filled with something dark

and sinister. Something dangerous. I knew I was good as dead if I don’t get to the hall


I push myself to run faster. The person was right on my tail when I crossed into the

glittering lights illuminated by the hall.

The moment I do, I feel the suffocating presence recede. I stop and breathe heavily. When

I don’t see anyone after surveying the place, I turn and quickly walk to towards the hall.

I was thankful but confused The person could have easily killed me. Even when I was

running All it would have taken was a bullet to tha baali-


Deep in thought, I wasn’t focused on where I was going.

“Sorry” I mutter after bumping into another person.

I look up after steading myself. My whole body freezes. I had bumped into Emma.

She the last person I wanted to be around right now. I wanted to ignore her but the look on


face told me she wasn’t about to let me go. She was out for blood and it was mine she


desperate to spill.