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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96 Hogan didn’t waste a second before he draped his coat over Cecilia. When his gaze flitted acrossand Candy, it was like he dipped it in venom. He was clearly ticked off.

“Mr. Zade, | have sspare clothes in my office, do you want...” “No need.” Hogan cutoff with an icy tone and ordered Zachary, “Call the cops, now.” When | heard the words “call the cops”, | was caught in a brief moment of shock and quickly interjected, “Mr.

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Zade, there's been a misunderstanding, | can explain everything to you and Director Irwin.” After saying that, I shot a pleading look at Cecilia, only to see her crying up a storm, sobbing and choking out.

“Hogan, I'm fine, really. It's just that | misspoke and ticked off the colleague.” Following this explanation, Hogan's face darkened as he comforted her. “Don’t be scared. I'm here.” He then shot Zachary a look. Zachary, clearly in a tight spot, hesitated before pulling out his phone.

“Mr. Zade.” | was getting a bit desperate, considering Candy was still pretty green behind the ears. At her age, getting hauled to the station was definitely not a good look, “Please.” “If she’s done something wrong, she’s got to face the music.” Hogan interruptedwith his no-nonsense demeanor, “We'll sort this out at the station.” With that, he whisked Cecilia off to the break room, not an ounce of mercy.

Half an hour later, our group was escorted to the police station. The head of Rainbow Capital's legal department also rushed over, looking all flustered.

After giving our statements, a kind-hearted officer reminded us. “The other party's lawyer pointed out the coffee was scalding hot, not ruling out the possibility of deliberate bodily harm.” My forehead knitted in worry, | asked, “Are you saying they might push for criminal charges?” The officer gavea meaningful look and glanced at Candy, saying, “Since you're colleagues, | suggest you settle this privately, and you better be sincere about it.” The message was crystal clear: Hogan was aiming to hold Candy criminally responsible. With Rainbow Capital's resources, nitpicking would be a piece of cake.

Candy probably never anticipated her impulsive act could snowball into this mess. At that moment, she was completely shell-shocked.

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| tried to comfort her. “It’s never okay to lash out at someone, Candy. You've definitely messed up this time.” “But Xaviera, Cecilia shouldn't have called the character model | designed trash.” Candy's eyes 13:30 Chapter 96 welled up. “You know, my work is my treasure, and | won't stand for any slander!” | was taken aback - sweet-natured Cecilia said that? “Hold on. I'll go talk to Mr. Zade and Director Irwin.” Sure, Candy needed to learn her lesson, but not to the extent of facing criminal charges. Getting tagged with a rap like that could ruin a young person's future.

But when | went to smooth things over with Hogan, | found out he and Cecilia had already left the station.

The lawyer told me, “The young lady was a bit shaken up, still quite emotional. Mr. Zade didn’t feel comfortable leaving her, so he took her home.” The lawyer also mentioned that Hogan had made it clear before he left: this matter was not up for discussion.

After much thought, | had no choice but to call Cecilia.

“Director Irwin, Candy realizes her mistake. She’ll apologize to you in person first thing tomorrow. Can you please talk to Mr. Zade about settling this privately?” Silence fell on the other end of the line, and after a moment, | heard Cecilia ask, “Xaviera, if you were the one who had coffee thrown in your face today, would you be so forgiving and let it go easily?” Suddenly, | was at a loss for words; feeling guilty, | muttered, “Sorry.” “You've done nothing wrong, Xaviera. Why apologize to me?” There was a hint of displeasure in Cecilia's voice as she said, “At the end of the day, you and President Lott, you've never really seenas one of your own.”