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Death... and me

Chapter 2451: Actual Age
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Sometime later, Kentucky returned to the room. "Hey, Rean. We were right! There were a lot of Divine Origin Cores in this facility. Your father truly brought a fortune with him when he left the Ruins of the Stars."

Rean was obviously happy to hear that. "Really? Was it even more than what we got in the Ruins of the Stars?"

Celis arrived right after, having heard what Rean said. "Not quite. After all, the size of this place and the Ruins of the Stars is just too different. Your father probably didn't need so many of these cores, or perhaps he didn't pull them all out of his Dimensional Realm. Nonetheless, we got 50% or so extra Divine Origin Cores. We can even use some to accelerate the time inside the SOul Gem Dimensional Realm if necessary."

Rean nodded. "If necessary indeed. For now, just go back and continue cultivating."

"There is no need to ask twice, Hahaha!" Celis quickly took Kentucky's Cores and disappeared from the room, going back to the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. He was obviously in a very good mood.

Kentucky then came to see Juliana. "Hi, lady Juliana. Do you still remember me?"

"Ken...tucky, right?" Juliana asked back, still not used to this feathered young man. "Rean, why would you name him Kentucky?"

Rean shrugged his shoulders. "Ask Roan, not me."

"I don't mind," Kentucky said. "The Kentucky fried chicken thing is something from this planet of yours only. It holds no such meaning in the Realm of Gods or any other planet. In those places, this is just my name and nothing else." Sure enough, Kentucky already found out why Roan put such a name on him. He is here on Earth, after all.

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Juliana got even more curious. "So... when I'm going to see this Death Spirit friend of yours?"

"Friend? What friend?" Rean immediately denied it. "However, I can ask that nuisance to come out. Just one second."

'Hum?' Roan, inside the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, heard Rean's request. 'Why the hell would I have to go see your mother. I have nothing to do with her. Just deal with it yourself.'

Rean insisted. 'That's not all. I'm also about to open the other two Cryo Pods to see who is inside. I'll need you here with me in case something goes wrong. I asked the system about the identities of those two, but the system seems to have no idea, saying that the database is corrupted.'

Roan narrowed his eyes. He didn't want to stop his activities, but he had to admit Rean had a point.


In the next second, Roan appeared outside. Seeing him, Juliana immediately saw the similarities. "So you were truly born as twins, uh? You are identical if not for your hair colors."

Roan looked at Juliana and gave a light nod. "Not by choice, of course."

Juliana quickly grabbed one of Roan's hands and spoke. "Thank you for guiding this idiot son of mine. He might be unreliable, but I'm sure he can be of some use in the future."

Roan's eyes changed a bit before he glanced at Rean. "She isn't all that bad. As expected of your mother, she recognizes your capabilities perfectly. "

"Fuck you!" Rean immediately answered back.

Roan ignored Rean and looked at the cryo pods on the back. "So, are you going to open them or not?"

"Tch..." Rean clicked his tongue and moved to the first one. The terminal immediately showed some holographic information, which Rean quickly worked on. Finally, he finished his commands and selected to open the cryo pod.

Several sounds occurred inside. In fact, this pod took way more time to open than his mother's. Most likely, it was due to how much time had passed since the living being inside was last awakened.

Around an hour later, the lid of the pod began to open as the cold fog came from the aperture. Inside, the form of a... thing... began to appear.

"Hum... It doesn't look very much like Tanxan..." Kentucky commented.

Roan nodded. "It isn't humanoid either, though."

"It's so cute..." Juliana couldn't help but comment.

Inside, something that looked like a small furred ball could be seen. Yet, its fur shined with different colors. It was truly a rainbow ball creature. It slowly opened its eyes, still feeling somewhat clumsy after sleeping for so long.


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*Grii, griii, griiiiiii!*

It didn't talk, only emitted this weird sound. Suddenly, it jumped from inside the pod and landed on the ground. It didn't stop, continuing to jump right and left. Soon, their group understood that this thing could only move through the method, bouncing its body all over.

Juliana then caught the furred bal, gently patting its head. Rean had already confirmed with his Divine Sense that it didn't have any harmful features, so he didn't stop it. The ball also had no cultivation whatsoever.

The furred ball seemed pretty comfortable and especially excited. It let Juliana pet it and seemed to want even more.


"What kind of creature is this? Rean, your mother wants one!" Juliana was absolutely in love with the furred ball. Well, Rean recognized that most women would probably love it as well.

Rean scratched the back of his head. "Is this truly a pet?"

Roan seemed annoyed, though. "What a waste of time. Ignore that shit. Open the next pod."

Rean nodded. He wanted to check the content inside the pods, but the pods blocked all Divine Senses, so he didn't know what to expect. Still, he didn't think he would find a pet inside the second one. Now, only the third pod remained.

Rean followed the same procedures as his mother played with the weird and furred rainbow ball. Another hour went by, and the past pod opened. This time, however, anyone could recognize the creature inside.

"Definitely humanoid, at least..." Roan commented.

"A woman, too." Kentucky agreed.

"More like a kid, no?" Rean completed. There was a girl inside, but she didn't seem to be more than 14 or 15 years old. Judging that she didn't have any cultivation either, that was most likely her actual age.