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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 43
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43 Chapter 43: The Strangely Cute
After Steve Price dealt with the thugs, he saw the two people standing at the door, staring at each other and asked tentatively,
“Mr. Evans, where are we going
now? Shall we go to a restaurant to celebrate the
birthday?” The last sentence was addressed to Xaviera
He couldn’t believe that she could still be indifferent
even after being reminded like this.
As it turned out, Xaviera Evans was not only indifferent but also yawned rudely. She was in a hurry to make Mortimer’s birthday
present last night and almost didn’t sleep. Now the drowsiness was surging, and she wanted nothing more than to dive into bed
and sleep him through what seemed like forever.
“I’m not going to eat. You guys can go by yourselves. I need to go back and sleep.”
Xaviera yawned as she walked out, passing Caleb
Mamet, who grabbed her by the arm, “No eating, there’s nothing good to eat, let’s go home together.”
Thinking of the messy drafts and all sorts of
equipment that had not been cleaned up in the master bedroom on the third floor, Caleb could guess that Xaviera had hardly
closed her eyes last night.
Without saying a word, he pulled Xaviera out and left Steve Price standing there dumbfounded.
In the car.

Xaviera Evans leaned on the back seat with her eyes closed, and Caleb Mamet sat on the other side, staring out the window, not
knowing what to think. There was a considerable distance between the two of them.
Steve Price drove while secretly glancing at the rear–view mirror. He watched as Caleb slowly moved closer to Xaviera until
there was only a fist’s distance between them before stopping.
Xaviera hadn’t really fallen asleep in the first place, and now with the invasion of Caleb’s breath inch by inch, she lost what little

sleep she had instantly. Rubbing her brow, she turned to Caleb and asked, “What’s up?”
Caleb turned on his mobile phone screen, “Did you
make this?”
Xaviera nodded, “Yes, I thought it was cute, so I sent it to you as a birthday present. Don’t you like it?”
Caleb rested his index finger on his knee, tapping lightly and hesitating to reply.
Like it? Not really. He wasn’t a fool; it was both their birthdays. Mortimer was given a personally designed and crafted cufflink,
while he received a random stick figure waving glow sticks. It looked very perfunctory.
But if he said he didn’t like it? If it wasn’t for this familiar stick figure, he wouldn’t have been able to discover Xaviera’s true
identity, let alone know about their connection in many years past.
“It’s okay.”
In the end, Caleb gave an ambiguous answer.

Xaviera nodded and didn’t pry any further.
Steve Price muttered in his heart, no wonder Mr. Evans is in such a good mood. It turned out he had already received his wife’s
birthday present!
Caleb put away his phone and didn’t care for the heartbroken assistant in front who leaned lazily on the back of his chair as if
bored, chatting with Xaviera.
It wasn’t until the car stopped in front of the villa that Xaviera let out a heavy sigh. She didn’t know why, but she felt that Caleb
was strange today. He spoke more than usual, and his mood was better than usual...
Could it be that celebrating a birthday added some special BUFF?
Xaviera changed her shoes, lost in thought, and didn’t
remember until she returned to the third floor that
she had forgotten to ask Mortimer if he had received his present! With that in mind, she quickly opened her phone to send
Mortimer a message.
Caleb saw the WhatsApp content and chuckled. He looked up at the direction of the third floor. This woman still hadn’t

discovered his identity. What should he do? He didn’t want to tell her either.
“Received it, thank you. I like the gift very much.”
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Xaviera saw Mortimer’s reply and completely let her worries. She picked up a cup of coffee from the table and took a sip, but
after taking a sip, she realized that the taste was odd... it tasted like alcohol!
Xaviera looked at the cup in confusion. Why was there alcohol in her room? Before she could think about it
further, she collapsed to the floor, unconscious.
Caleb, who was walking to the second–floor study,
paused. The sound he had just heard seemed to come from the third floor.
Caleb knocked on the door, but there was no
“If you don’t say anything, I’m coming in.”
Caleb pressed down, and the doorknob turned.
Xaviera could hear Caleb’s voice in her daze, but she couldn’t respond because she was completely drunk!
Who would have thought that the top hacker, Black Tide, who owned the cyber world, would be defeated by a glass of alcohol?
Her consciousness grew increasingly unclear, and the world seemed to spin. She vaguely saw Caleb rushing towards her with a
flustered expression. She wanted to reassure him that it was nothing, just that she was drunk, but her mouth seemed to be sewn
shut and couldn’t open. All she could do was allow Caleb to hold her with trembling hands, shouting for the
housekeeper and doctor..

Caleb couldn’t recall the moment he pushed open the door and saw the scene. Xaviera had passed out on the floor, with a
broken cup nearby, and an unknown liquid soaked the carpet, leaving a small stain.
His first reaction was that Xaviera had been poisoned. At that moment, a huge panic engulfed his heart as he stumbled to pick
her up, not thinking, and rushed out the door.
The family doctor, who was urgently called in, fumbled to examine Xaviera. The moment she received the
examination results, she hesitated a bit... Drunk? Just drunk? No other problems? She glanced at Caleb, then at the medical
report in her hand, her eyebrows knotted in confusion.