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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1778
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Chapter 1778 Gunfight

Natalie lowered her head to look at the necklace around her neck, her eyes filled with

disgust. “Who wants your necklace, Sean? Take it off, just take it off now!”

Sean acted as if he hadn't heard a thing, simply raising a finger at her. “Shh, Nat, listen.

It's really lively outside.”

Outside, the sound of gunshots and screams of terror could be heard incessantly.

Despite being unable to see what was going on outside, Natalie could still vividly imagine

that it was a living hell outside.

It was a fierce gun battle!

The plan that Sean just proposed to that person was surprisingly to have a gunfight with

Shane and his men.

What about Shane? How is he doing now? Did he get shot?

Natalie was extremely anxious inside, but there was nothing she could do.

“You've lost it, Sean, you've truly lost it!” Natalie yelled at Sean, her face as pale as a

sheet. “There are your people out there too, yet you're so ruthlessly insane! You're not

even sparing your own people.” She was certain that there were definitely people dying

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outside right now.

Agony-filled screams and endless gunshots were chilling to the bone, striking fear into her


Right now, what she worried the most about was Shane's safety.

I wonder if he's actually all right now.

Listening to Natalie's accusations, Sean's smile remained unchanged. “So what if they are

my people? They take my money, follow my orders, work for me, and even risk their lives

for me. Isn't that what they should do? Besides, they are well aware of the risks. They

know they could lose their lives. But as long as their families are provided for after their

death, they would be smiling down from the heavens.”

“You...” Natalie was left speechless by his quick-witted response.

Sean gently touched her face. “Nat, what do you think has happened to Shane now? Has

he been shot? Is he alive, or is he dead?”

The mention of death immediately gave Natalie a great shock.

Her eyes turned blood red as she stared at him! “Shut your mouth! Don't you dare say

that word! Shane won't die, he will be perfectly safe and sound!”

“It's hard to say. With the fierce battle outside, stray bullets don't have eyes. He might

already be dead.” Sean's pensive tone was terrifying and eerie.

Natalie was trembling with rage as she stared at him intently.

Shane covered her eyes with his hand, “Nat, I don't like you looking at me like this. Since

we're seeing each other for the last time, shouldn't you be a little kinder to me? You're

really breaking my heart.”

Natalie vigorously shook her head, trying to shake off the hand covering her eyes.

However, Sean covered her eyes tightly, making it impossible for her to break free.

Sean looked at Natalie, his eyes flashing with a myriad of emotions. There was love,

reluctance, and relief.

In the end, he leaned over immediately, placing a kiss on the back of his own hand.

Of course, what he truly desired to kiss were her eyes.

But Sean knew that if he were to do so, Natalie would definitely not like it.

This would be the last time he'd see her, and he didn't want to leave her with a bad


Just then, the sounds of gunshots outside suddenly ceased, and everything became quiet

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all at once.

It seemed like the gunfight was over.

Immediately after, the tent curtain was pulled open once again. The person who came in

just now to report the situation returned. However, his body was covered entirely in blood,

and his shoulder particularly had a bleeding hole. Fresh blood was continuously gushing

out of it.

The injury was caused by a gunshot.

When that person walked into the tent, he was shivering intensely, completely in a state

of despair.

He looked at Sean, tears of despair streaming down his face. “Mr. Thompson, I... W-We've

lost all our men.”

His words implied that apart from him and Sean, everyone else was dead.

Upon hearing those words, Natalie felt a chill run through her body. She quickly asked,

“Where is Shane? Where is my husband? Is he alright?”

Despite knowing the enemy might not tell her, she still wanted to ask them.

She really wanted to find out how Shane was doing at the moment.

Sure enough, the person who came in only glanced at her and had no intention of

responding to her question.