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Back in Time: Unshackling From Love

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16 “You see for yourself!” Jertossed the phone to Mikayla.

Mikayla picked it up, and there was surveillance footage on it.

The location looked like a garage, with two men wearing hats and masks lurking in a corner.

Before long, Kylie, dressed in a suit, arrived at the parking lot.

Just as she unlocked her car, the two men quickly dashed toward her.

One covered her mouth and dragged her while the other yanked open the car door. After hauling Kylie into the car, they sped away! “Where was Ms. White taken? Any updates?” Seeing Mikayla looking serious, Jerheld back and said, “After they grabbed Kylie and got her into the car, the security in the surveillance room noticed something was off and intervened in time.” Mikayla chuckled. “Quite amusing, isn’t it? They went all out to capture her, only to choose a place with surveillance, waiting to be discovered.” “Mikayla, what's with this attitude?” Jerome, frustrated, said, “When the security rescued Kylie from the car, her mouth was taped, hands and feet bound. The consequences would have been unimaginable if they hadn't discovered it in time.” With that, Jerthrew out several photos.

“The two criminals confessed, claiming a woman gave x money and photos, instructing them to do it.” all were “While on your way to your grandpa’s house, the driver made a stop at a gas station, and you went into a convenience store. Those two men also showed up there. Is that just a coincidence?” In the photos, there were indeed two individuals with hats resembling the men in the surveillance footage, appearing in the sconvenience store as Mikayla.

Mikayla, not having had breakfast and wanting to buy sfood, didn’t pay attention to anyone around.

She had no idea that Kylie would use this opportunity to frher.

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“You humiliated Kylle in the morning, and now you arranged for someone to kidnap her at noon. Shouldn't there be an explanation?” Jercoldly questioned.

Mikayla found it absurd. “Am | a fortune teller, or do | have precognition? How was | supposed to know two men were there and then manipulate them to go after Kylie?” “Those two were homeless drifters. They'd do anything for money. If you had a momentary idea, what would be the problem?” Mikayla found the logic hard to accept.

“Well, then call the police and let them handle it!” “You knew Kylie wouldn't press charges and would let them go. That's why you're so calmly suggesting calling the police, right?” Jerome's handsface turned cold. “Mikayle, I've tolerated your usual whims and pranks. But this time, you dared to orchestrate a kidnapping? Whether Kylie pursues it or not, you must apologize to her!” “What if | don’t?” Mikayla asked.

“I'll have to hand all of this over to Grandpa and let him handle it.” “You jerk!” Mikayla fumed.

Jerome's handsface grew even colder. “So, are you going or not?” “Fine, I'll go,” Mikayla conceded.

She couldn't let Eduard see these things and worry for her. Besides, she wanted to speak with Kylie and figure out her true intentions.

Following Jerome's instructions, the driver took the car to Kylie’s residence, a high-end apartment building in an upscale neighborhood, reportedly arranged by the Miller Group for executives.

Mikayla said, “Just tellthe floor and room number, and I'll go up myself.” Facing Jerome's puzzled look, Mikayla chuckled. “What's the matter? I've cthis far. Are you afraid I'll run away? Trying to keepunder surveillance?” Skeptical, Jersaid, “Just apologize, and don’t pull any other tricks.” Chapter 16 Mikayla snorted, “Since you don’t trust me, let’s keep the call on the whole time!” Jeragreed to the proposal, and Mikayla laughed to herself.

Mikayla wanted to go alone to make Kylie lower her guard, giving her a chance to engage the latter in a conversation-or to provoke Kylie into revealing her true colors.

Originally, she planned to record the conversation, but now that Jeragreed to keep the auon, things were more direct and convenient.

Mikayla bought sfruits from a fruit shop downstairs to make it seem authentic.

Going upstairs to Kylie’s apartment, Mikayla noticed that the door wasn’t firmly shut.

“I'm busy, don’t clooking forif there's nothing important!” Kylie’s voice sounded more serious than usual.

Looking inside, Mikayla saw a somewhat sturdy woman standing in the room. She held sunidentified boxes, seemingly offering Kylie.

“I don’t need these things. Take them back.” Kylie declined.

“Kylie, I'm really in a bind here. Can't you help your aunt?” Just as Mikayla was about to knock, intending to say, “Excuse me,” the woman inside spoke up.

At the sound of that voice, Mikayla’s heart quickened. Startled, her hand unintentionally knocked once.

The commotion caught Kylie’s and the woman's attention, and they both turned in Mikayla’s direction.

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As Mikayla laid eyes on the woman's round face, her entire body tensed up.

As her breath quickened, a tingling sensation crept across Mikayla's scalp accompanied by a bone chilling coldness coursing through her limbs. “Mrs. Miller, what-ah!”

Kylie's words of astonishment were abruptly hushed as Mikayla advanced forcefully smashing the fraits she held onto Kylie's head. Amid Kylie's distressed cries, Mikayla proceeded to tightly grasp her neck with bloodshot eyes.

As Kylie's face reddened from the constriction, her links Halled desperately, However Mikayla, appearing almost possessed, chung on tenaciously, have you lost your mind? What are you doing?” eves rolled back, a large hand pulled Mikayla away, forcefully tossing her aside.

Atikayla staggered backward, collapsing onto the floor.

She showed no urgency to get up, nor did she care who the newcomer was.

Instead, she convulsed and orupted into a fit of mante laughter.