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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52 Im gonna hit the shower," said Gwendolyn.

She dropped her things and hurried back to her room for a quick shower and change into clean clothes. Finally, she knocked on Howard's door.

"Cin." "Mr. Chadwick, I'm here for your acupuncture session,” she said, her voice hoarse and weary.

Howard's gaze remained fixed on her as she, like always, began the acupuncture treatment on his legs. Her delicate hands, pale and chapped from the work, stood out starkly.

She looked like a wilted lettuce, utterly spent.

"I'll remove the needles in half an hour," Saying, Gwendolyn tidied up her kit and sat down to wait.

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Howard didn't speak, and he watched as Gwendolyn's head slowly drooped until her eyes. closed and she dozed off against the rocking chair. He reached into the drawer for shand lotion and wheeled closer.

The cool cream squirted into his palm, enveloping her hands as he gently massaged them.

He figured she must've had a rough tat the hospital.

But she was tough and resilient. She wouldn't chto complain. She never had anyone to complain to before.

Half an hour passed, and she hadn't woken up.

IZ 2 = Not wanting to disturb her, Howard quietly pulled the needles out himself. A while later, Marina cupstairs with a tray of food, tiptoeing as she asked, "Mrs. Chadwick asleep?" "Yes." "She must be beaten." Marina said sympathetically, "Why even bother with an internship?" Howard knew she wanted to get her diploma, maybe even stay on at Bayridge Hospital, and get her medical license in a year by the normal process.

She didn't have to work this hard, not if Enoch would just acknowledge her as his apprentice.

But Enoch probably wasn't ready to reveal his whereabouts yet.

Marina, could you make sinquiries at Bayridge Hospital tomorrow? See if they're giving her a hard ton purpose." "Sure thing. I'll just leave the food here for Mrs. Chadwick to eat when she wakes up.

Howard nodded slightly, and after Marina left, he gently lifted Gwendolyn and placed her on the bed. She slept soundly, undisturbed by the movement.

Gwendolyn woke up the next morning ravenous, her stomach growling.

She felt refreshed but noticed something unusual. A warm body was next to hers. She slowly turned her head to see Howard's handsface. She gasped.

Sensing her, Howard shifted his arm.

Gwendolyn quickly shut her eyes, pretending to sleep, her heart pounding..

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"Sleep in, and you'll be late for work," said Howard, his morning voice rough and sexy.

Gwendolyn couldn't pretend anymore and opened her eyes calmly, "Good morning, Mr. Chadwick." "Do you black out when you sleep?" He lounged by the bed, his question laced with implication.

Blushing, Gwendolyn whispered, "No, I'm going to get ready now." Behind her, Howard's pleased laughter followed.

Gwendolyn nearly tripped over her feet, her face burning all the way to her neck.

"Mr. Chadwick, Mrs. Chadwick.

Breakfast is ready.” Marina called out, the table laden with a nutritious spread. They arrived at the table fashionably late.

Marina asked with a smile, "Mrs. Chadwick, did you enjoy your m lunchbox yesterday? I've made you another one today." Gwendolyn forced a stiff smile, lying, "It was delicious." That's great." Marina packed her shigh-end fruit, "Share these with your colleagues." "Will do."

Howard noticed her unease, and as Gwendolyn finished her mealand headed out, he said, "Gwendolyn, tonight after work..." "Yes?" She looked at him, puzzled.