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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42 "I found this under Mr. Howard's bed while I was cleaning up. Ah..." Marina sighed with a touch of regret. "I've been around the block, you know." The item in question was instantly recognizable to her.

Upon seeing it, a chill seemed to spread through Howard's surroundings.

Gwendolyn's wide eyes were filled with confusion and innocence. She had never encountered such pills before. "Howard, you've always been my pride and joy." Roselind said, shaking her head in disappointment, "If it was your father using these, I could understand. But you're so young... Why rush things?" "Honey, sparesdignity. When it comes to educating the kids, leaveout of it," Jameson pleaded. What was wrong with a middle-aged man taking ssexual medicine? "Shut up," Roselind snapped.

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Jameson shrank back, suddenly as meek as a quail.

"I know you newlyweds are eager, but the doctor said you need to take care of your health. There might still be a chance for recovery," Roselind said earnestly, "Howard, there's plenty of tahead. Besides, you once said... you wanted Gwendolyn to remain chaste if anything were to happen to you. How could you...?" Loving someone was one thing, but to force the issue was quite another.

Gwendolyn listened, somewhat lost in the conversation, but one thing becclear to her. This blue pill was for men's issues. She hadn't realized Howard was so concerned about his male pride.

Seeing her puzzled expression, Howard turned ashen and he clenched his teeth hard, saying, "That's not mine." Roselind almost laughed, “What, did Nathan throw it in your room to fryou?" "Why couldn't it be his?" Howard's eyes, cold as glacial pools, burned with anger. His hands balled into fists, veins standing out against his skin, knuckles white.

Amidst the mounting tension, Gwendolyn swallowed hard and said, "Howard didn't take them.” "Really?" Roselind asked seriously.

"Yes," Gwendolyn confirmed. She had been doing a daily check-up on his body. She added, "Mr. Thomas did visit a couple of days ago." Roselind was still skeptical, “If you haven't taken them, you're not allowed to in the future.” It Chapter 42 seemed she had put one worry to rest. "I'm confiscating these." "Jameson, take Howard upstairs to rest. I have a few words for Gwendolyn," she said, "Of course.

Jameson pushed Howard's wheelchair towards the elevator, quick to leave the hotbed of controversy.

"Gwendolyn, come," Roselind patted the seat beside her, “Sit down, let's chat." The more she looked at Gwendolyn, the more she took a liking to her.

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Gwendolyn walked over and sat down obediently.

"I know this is hard for you, living like a nun, but... sthings shouldn't be rushed," Roselind said with heavy implication, "When he's better, won't it be even more satisfying?" "Huh?" Gwendolyn was confused. What was she talking about? "About sexual lust," Roselind indicated with a gesture of her thumbs coming together.

"No, we haven't..." Gwendolyn tried to defend herself.

"Mrs. Chadwick, no need to be shy.” Marina pulled out her phone with a sly grin, snapped a picture, and placed it in front of Gwendolyn.

"See, you got a bit too enthusiastic with Howard the other night after you had a drink. I could hear the om commotion all the way downstairs," she said, flipping through the photos. "Look at these marks. You left them all with your kisses. He's had to wear high-collared shirts for days." Gwendolyn's mouth fell open, her cheeks burning so red they might drip blood.

The embarrassment spread from her ears to her toes, her entire bodym •her aflwith shame. She wished the earth would swallow her up. Bruises were indeed lies of Howard! "Gwendolyn, you idiot!" she chastised herself internally.