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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 900
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Chapter 900

Dustin sat across the circular table, his gaze fixed upon Nikki Horst, a moment of shock etched across

his face.

He wore an expression of astonishment, his features mirroring disbelief.

It was hard for him to fathom that the person who had administered the potion was none other than

Nikki Horst.

“Is it really you? How could it possibly be you?!”

Cornelius’s eyes widened, his emotions oscillating between shock, bewilderment, and an underlying


Never had he anticipated that Nikki Horst, who had been treated with kindness by Dustin, would be

revealed as a traitor.

“Apologies… I’m so sorry…”

Confronted with the inquiries, Nikki Horst’s eyes darted away, her countenance heavy with guilt.

She dared not even lift her gaze.


Dustin’s incredulity was palpable, three simple words escaping his lips with effort.

In his heart, Nikki Horst held the place of a younger sister due to Nelson’s association, and he had

endeavored to put her well-being above all else.

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He had even endured every possible hardship to journey to the Jade Maid Palace to extricate her from

the depths of despair.

However, never in his wildest dreams had he conceived that his tireless efforts would be met with


“The Jade Girl Palace is my home. They’re my family. I had no choice, truly… I had no choice. I’m

deeply sorry…”

Nikki Horst’s head shook, her voice strained with regret.

She couldn’t defy her master’s will, nor could she dare to confront the Jade Girl Palace.

“I fail to grasp why you persist, despite the generosity of the Jade Maiden Palace towards you. Why do

you continue to toil for them?” Dustin’s brow furrowed deeply.

His confusion was genuine.

Having been cast out from the school and treated with disdain, he couldn’t fathom why Nikki Horst

clung tenaciously to her loyalty and continued to serve actively.

“I… I…”

Nikki Horst began to speak, but words seemed to elude her.

Ultimately, she lowered her head, settling into silence. “Young man, is your prattle of any


At this juncture, Edith sneered, her tone laced with derision. “Nikki Horst is my apprentice, hailing from

the Jade Maid Palace. Naturally, she owes me allegiance. If blame is to be laid, it falls squarely upon

your own naiveté!”

“Exactly! A leopard never changes its spots. Who asked you to place your trust in women? You got

what you deserved!”

Choruses of agreement erupted from the Jade Girl Palace disciples.

Each one seemed to revel in their perceived triumph, as if they’d emerged victorious from a battle.

“Indeed… I’m a fool. I invested my heart and soul into someone I’d only just met.” A self-deprecating

chuckle escaped Dustin.

People varied greatly, shaped by their experiences. Nelson’s unwavering loyalty and affection didn’t

extend universally, as evidenced by Nikki Horst’s actions.

His personal affection for the Jade Girl Palace and its inhabitants had skewed his perspective.

He’d believed that his utmost efforts on Nikki Horst’s behalf would eventually awaken her to reality.

Regrettably, reality proved far removed from his expectations.

For the sake of a Jade Girl Palace that had discarded her like an afterthought, she’d willingly betrayed

the members of the Kirin Gang, repaying kindness with enmity.

Such a display of ingratitude sent shivers down the spine.

“Young man, you’re now trapped with no way out. If you wish to survive, hand over the Jade Girl

Scripture!” Edith’s threat was cutting.

“Master, I’ve secured the Jade Girl Scripture. Please inspect it.”

Hurriedly, Nikki Horst stepped forward, presenting a small book, almost seeking approval.

This was the Jade Girl Scripture Dustin had given her during their earlier meal, each word inscribed by


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“Ah, is that so?”

Edith accepted the Jade Girl Scripture, poring over it meticulously.

After a brief examination, a hearty laugh escaped her lips, brimming with excitement. “Indubitably, this

is the authentic Jade Girl Sutra. It even details the Rain Girl Sword Technique. Excellent, splendid


My dear apprentice, this merits tremendous recognition. Upon your return, you shall be duly rewarded

for your contributions!”

Following her laughter, she extended commendation, an expression of appreciation for Nikki Horst’s


“Thank you, Master!”

A renewed light adorned Nikki Horst’s features, her demeanor lifted.

As long as her Master was content, so was she. “What a simpleton!”

Cornelius couldn’t help but mutter under his breath.

While the Jade Girl Sutra was a highly coveted skill, it still required dissemination.

What distinction lay between willingly surrendering it and outright foolishness?

“Young man, I hadn’t anticipated your fervor for my apprentice.”

Edith raised the Jade Girl Scripture, her grin laced with amusement. “This item I had diligently pursued,

you’ve so casually gifted it away. Your sincerity is almost moving, it truly is. Alas, what a shame, what a

pity. But, my dear, it has finally landed in my hands.”

“Master, we possess the Jade Girl Sutra now. Let us depart.”

Nikki Horst offered a forced smile, urging their departure.