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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75
Your kids are lovely, Hazel. You did a really great job all on your own,‘ Ethan expressed sincerely. His words, laden with
Hazel couldn’t raise her head; she couldn’t look him in the eyes right now. A lump formed painfully in her throat, making it hard to
breathe as she held back tears.
Tears threatened, held back by a determined resolve, and breathing became an arduous task under the weight of unshed
Ethan’s words although intended as a genuine compliment, had hit Hazel in a different way. His honest praises, though well–
intentioned, stirred an undercurrent of guilt within her.
Afterwards, they just sat in silence.
Each minute seemed to stretch
“I should get going,” Ethan stated, a sense of hesitancy underlying his words as he contemplated the delicate balance of the
“And Hazel, you can take the day off tomorrow, he offered.
“Liam would need you.” He stated.
Thank you,” she replied quietly, her voice carrying a blend of gratitude and weariness.
Still, Hazel avoided meeting his eyes, her head turned away..

Ethan sighed, sensing there were things left unsaid, but he wasn’t sure how to express them. Hazel’s reluctance to meet his
gaze left the words suspended in the silence.
“I’m sorry. If my intruding and questioning made you uncomfortable,” he said, the admission laced with sincerity thinking he had
made her uncomfortable with those personal questions.
What? No. It’s not that,” Hazel denied strongly.
She couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes for an entirely different set of reasons. Ethan’s questions and his admission of prying
into her life had initially taken her off guard, unraveling layers of her past she hadn’t anticipated revisiting.

The father of her kids stood right there in front of her. Yet, admitting it felt like unraveling a tightly wound secret that left her
bitterly frightened.
It wasn’t merely Ethan’s questions that had caught her off guard; it was the stark realization of how her life truly was that had
struck her with an unexpected force.
“Ethan you’re Daisy and Liam’s Father! She couldn’t find the courage to say those words to him. Instead, she had taken the
cowardly approach, spinning half–truths instead.
Ethan has listened attentively, his expression reflecting genuine empathy for her situation. His reaction and response left Hazel
feeling a heavy weight of guilt settled in her chest. It was evident that Ethan harbored sincere affection for her children – he truly
cared about them.
She desperately wanted to blurt out the truth Her l*ps trembled under the weight of her anxiety and the unspoken words as a
surge of emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Instead, she bit her l*ps trying to compress the myriad of emotions.

Taking a final, lingering glance at the peacefully sleeping kids, Ethan prepared to leave the ward. Slowly, he made his way
toward the door, the quiet shuffle of his footsteps filling the mom Hazel followed silently, trailing in his wake
Hazel, Ethan called, his voice a gentle summons that halted him in his tracks. Turning back, he retraced his steps towards her.
As he approached, she blinked, suddenly meeting his face just inches away from hers. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized
when he had. moved, and now, he stood directly in front of her, his gaze fixed down on her with an intensity that held her captive.
Why couldn’t you just stay with me? She wondered, her eyes locked with his, captivated by the magnetic pull of his presence.
Couldn’t I have been enough? If you hadn’t let me go, we could have been together now–all of us. Instead, he turned her away.
The unspoken echoes of her thoughts reverberated in the charged silence.
Please, call me if you need anything. If the kids are in trouble or you need help. I’ll always be there for you and the kids. You’re
not alone, Hazel,” Ethan assured her, his words. carrying a sincerity that resonated with a promise of unwavering support.
Yet, in the fragile quietude of the moment, Hazel couldn’t shake the haunting doubts that lingered in the comers of her mind. He’s
here because of the kids, Hazel. Because of the connection he feels to the kids, not because of you.The harsh internal voice
echoed relentlessly, casting shadows of uncertainty on the reassurances she desperately longed to believe. The ominous
thought that the moment he discovers the truth about their parentage, he might take them away, loomed over her like an
impending storm.

It’s hopeless,” she reminded herself, feeling the weight of her resolve shatter. A solitary tear escaped her eye, a silent testament
to the internal struggle waging within her. Alarmed, Ethan gently cupped her face, wiping the tear away gently. Her face cradled
in his palms, his expression contorted in worry.
“Is something bothering you? Are you okay?” he asked, his brows furrowing and his eyes. searching hers, genuine concern
etched across his features.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Yes, yes, Ethan. I’m fine. I just felt a little melancholic from the trip down memory lane. We’ve come a long way,” Hazel assured.
Summoning a smile, she tried to mask the vulnerability that lingered beneath the surface.
Ethan sighed, his eyes softening.
“You’ve really been through a lot. You did good, Hazel. You’ve been so strong,” he commended.
His arm found its way to her head, a comforting gesture as he lightly stroked her hair.
Hazel’s eyes,
filled with tears that threatened to spill over, blinked rapidly as she grappled with the surge of emotions.
Thank you, Ethan,” her voice trembled lightly, the words carrying the weight of gratitude and a vulnerability she couldn’t fully
He nodded, acknowledging her gratitude, then slowly retracted his hand, and with a silent. tum, he left the room.
She watched his retreating figure, his silhouette gradually diminishing, feeling a surge of conflicting emotions welling within her.
Why did you have to come back into my life? she wondered, her l*ps trembling with the unshed tears of unanswered questions.
A small sniff escaped her.
Mommy? Daisy’s innocent voice called suddenly. Hazel froze for a moment, hastily wiping away the traces of unshed tears, then
mustered a bright smile before turning to meet her daughter’s gaze.
Daisy emerged from her bed, still clutching a stuffed toy, a vision of adorable dishevelment
with her messy hair and sleepy face. Hazel couldn’t help but laugh at the sight.
Daisy,” she called, walking toward her, needing to hug her.
Daisy, sensing the unspoken need, pried her arms open expectantly. Hazel sighed and
enveloped her daughter in a tight embrace, then lifted her off the ground. She k*ssed Daisy’s
hair and face several times, the gesture a silent promise of love and protection.
She then buried her face in her daughter’s neck.

Are you okay, mommy?” Daisy’s concern echoed in her innocent question.
“Yes, baby. Mommy’s just tired,” Hazel reassured.
“I won’t lose you or your brother,” she vowed silently.