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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63
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Ethan strolled into the office with an air of light–heartedness, exuding an almost cheerful demeanor. His relaxed and happy
countenance stood in stark contrast to Axel’s dreary and gloomy presence.
An inquisitive arch of Ethan’s eyebrow betrayed his curiosity as he observed his assistant. Axel’s drained appearance was an
anomaly, considering the usual energetic manner in which he resumed work after the weekend. Axel, known for his proper and
almost robotic demeanor, seemed unusually fatigued. Noticing Axel’s perpetually unavailable phone, Ethan couldn’t resist
probing, “What happened to you last night?” The question hung in the air, laced with genuine concern for his right–hand man.
“And your phone. It’s been unavailable the whole night.”
“Your private life is none of my business, but it’s unlike you. So what’s going on?” Ethan inquired further, eager to understand the
cause of Axel’s unusual state. The latter, with a resigned sigh, produced his broken phone.
“How did this happen?” Ethan pressed on, sensing there was more to the story than Axel was letting on.
“I was attacked,” Axel stated flatly, leaving Ethan both surprised and perplexed. “Is that what happened when I called you last
night? And I guess that explains the scratches as well. What mob gang was it?” Ethan asked sternly. For months, Ethan had
been striving to distance himself from such affairs, but the intrusion into his right–hand man’s life was an unwelcome
Ethan promptly grabbed his phone, ready to track down the assailants with whatever details Axel could provide. The office
atmosphere crackled with tension and unanswered questions.
“It wasn’t a mob,” Axel uttered, the words laced with difficulty, as if each syllable carried weight.
Ethan, usually composed, found himself caught off guard. “If it wasn’t a mob, then what?” he prodded, his curiosity intensifying.
“By a woman, okay?!” Axel’s frustration erupted in a sudden yell, the intensity of his emotions palpable. He sighed, clenching his
jaws in an attempt to regain composure, while Ethan stared at him with a mix of amusement and disbelief.
“Okay. I am not interested in whatever kinky shit you do or have a preference for. That is messed up,” Ethan chuckled in
amusement, initially thinking Axel was divulging some peculiar personal details. The tension momentarily diffused into a light

“What? That’s not it,” Axel clarified, a hint of exasperation in his voice, realizing Ethan had misunderstood.

“Okay, I guess so,” Ethan said, still chuckling in disbelief, but sensing there was
Aplas Regret Pergunt Rejected Tana
more to Axel’s story than met the eye.
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“I have a psycho for a neighbor” Axel dropped the bombshell, his words landing like a heavy truth, abruptly halting the
lighthearted banter. The room was now filled with an uneasy silence.
“Last night I was attacked by my crazy neighbor,” Axel stated, the weight of the encounter evident in his voice. Axel’s revelation
hung in the air, a startling confession that disrupted the tranquility of Ethan’s office. The pen in Ethan’s hand dropped to the table
as he processed Axel’s words, a mix of incredulity and amusement playing on his features. Ethan’s initial response was disbelief,
which quickly transformed into laughter, a reaction Axel found infuriating.
“What?!” Ethan exclaimed, his laughter persisting. Between chuckles, he managed to squeeze in a teasing remark, “What
perverted shit did you do? I mean, you just moved in.” The laughter continued, echoing in the office. He concluded and thought
Axel had done something acting like a pervert that trigger the woman. “She’s crazy! She attacked me with an umbrella, then
doused me in pepper spray!” Axel’s frustration simmered beneath the surface, exacerbated by Ethan’s amusement. The laughter
seemed to amplify, Ethan finding humor in the irony of Axel, the composed and proper individual, grappling with such a bizarre
“It seems this one’s a handful,” Ethan remarked between laughs, the amusement unabated. Axel, feeling the weight of the
situation, sighed and took a seat..

“Let’s get your schedule done with so I can go get a new phone,” Axel stated, attempting to steer the conversation away from the
events of the previous night. The room fell into a contemplative silence, a palpable tension lingering between the two.
Ethan, unable to contain his curiosity, breached the uneasy quiet, “How did it happen?” He probed, struggling to reconcile the
composed Axel with the mental. image of him being beaten by a woman wielding an umbrella. The absurdity of the situation
hung in the air.
“Don’t ask mel” Axel snapped, a flush of embarrassment coloring his ears. The retort was swift and defensive, revealing the
vulnerability beneath his usually stoic exterior.
“You don’t wanna talk about it... Okay,” Ethan conceded, though his persistent glances at Axel communicated his lingering
curiosity. Axel, feeling the weight of Ethan’s gaze, sighed in exasperation, caught between a desire for privacy and the
inevitability of his story.

“But I’m really curious. I mean, you come to work with small cuts all over and a busted phone. And next thing you were beaten
up by a woman all in one night,” Ethan probed further, his words tinged with both concern and amusement. “You seem to be in
high spirits,” Axel observed, his attempt at deflecting the conversation and diverting it back to Ethan.
Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected La
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“Does this have anything to do with the twins?” Axel probed. Ethan relaxed back into his seat, a smile playing on his l*ps. Axel’s
keen observation had caught the connection between Ethan’s sudden call the previous night and the uncharacteristic happiness
he now exuded.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ethan’s evident delight stood in stark contrast to Axel’s lingering gloom, intensifying Axel’s irritation. “You share. I’m dying to
know,” Ethan pressed on eagerly, his smirk fueling Axel’s sense of annoyance.
Axel sighed, the room filled with an air of anticipation, with Ethan eagerly awaiting the details.
“I went out to get food for the dog, he didn’t eat the regular dog food, and it was raining, and some....”
“Hold on... You have a dog?” Ethan interrupted, his eyebrows shooting up int surprise.
“Yes,” Axel replied with a sigh, anticipating the barrage of questions that would follow.
“How did....” Ethan started asking.
“Don’t ask me how I ended up with one!” Axel yelled, cutting off the question. before it fully formed.
“Okay. Okay,” Ethan said, throwing his hands up in surrender.
“Anyway, I went out to get dog food, and a lady assaulted me. She thought I was a stalker. No, she accused me of being one.”
Axel finished.
“Wow,” was all Ethan could muster, the unexpected turn of events still sinking in. “How did you end up with a dog, though?”
Ethan asked, unable to contain his curiosity. “After what happened when we were kids, I thought you hated them,” he added,
recalling past conversations about Axel’s aversion to pets.
“I never said I hated them. I just don’t like them,” Axel corrected, his tone carrying. a hint of irritation.
“And now you have one?” Ethan inquired, confusion evident on his face.
“It’s temporal,” Axel snapped once more, emphasizing the temporary nature of the situation. “So while going to get dog food for
your puppy...” Ethan began, prompting Axel to shoot him a glare. “...For THE puppy, when your neighbor attacked you. Okay,”
Ethan corrected himself, sensing Axel’s annoyance.
“But that doesn’t really explain the eye bags,” Ethan observed, concern coloring his tone. The man in front of him didn’t look like
he had slept well in a while.
For someone so health–conscious, with a strict sleep, workout, and diet routine, it was out of character for Axel. The sudden
deviation from his usual habits intrigued Ethan, and he was determined to uncover the underlying story.