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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 584
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Chapter 584 Colton Runs Away From Home

Colton’s question took Noah by surprise, but he soon realized that it could also mean that other people

could have asked the same question and misunderstood the situation too.

As long as Ezra kept his mouth shut, no one would know that Noah was involved in the bar incident.

In any case, Noah also had evidence of Ezra’s deceptive intentions toward him that would keep his

mouth shut, but a part of Noah was still feeling anxious when his men could not locate Ezra’s

whereabouts after the incident.

Now that his relationship with Madeline was slightly unstable, Noah was anxious if Madeline would be

put under more stress when the media got word about the incident.

“Your mommy is the one and only in my heart.”

Noah caressed Colton’s head to comfort him.

“Sleep now.I’ll bring you to visit your mommy first thing in the morning.”

Colton’s eyes widened and nodded happily.

“Daddy, you should also think of how you’re going to talk to Thomas and Mackenzie.They’re mad after

what happened last night.”

Yet, another problem remained for Noah.

All along, Thomas and Mackenzie grew up with Madeline by their side, so their protectiveness toward

her was clear to Noah.

Seeing that they now had the impression of Noah being a womanizer, it could be difficult for him to win

them back.

Colton waited till Noah left his room to reply to Madeline’s message, “Mommy, I’m fine.There’s been a

misunderstanding tonight.Daddy and I will come and explain it to you tomorrow.I hope you won’t be

angry anymore.Get some rest.”

Madeline, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Colton’s reply.She was not worried

about what Noah had done, but was instead concerned that Colton might feel anxious staying in the

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Quincy residence by himself.

“Take care of yourself, Colton.Reach out to me once you’re awake.”

Madeline messaged back, in which Colton replied, “Okay.”

Meanwhile, as soon as Noah left Colton’s room, he immediately gave a call to Wayne.

“Ask our public relations team to draft some statements for the incident at the bar.”

Wayne was confused upon hearing that as he assumed the incident was already settled with.

Did Ezra spread the word about it? Despite his confusion, he replied, “I’ll see to it now.”

“Sir, Ms.Trentmann is looking for you,”

Mr.Charles said to the frustrated Noah, in which Noah stared daggers back at him, sending a shiver

down his spine.

Mr.Charles instinctively knew he must have said something wrong and lowered his head in response.

“Yvern Trentmann’s only a guest, understood?”

Noah emphasized, wanting to put a stop to any misunderstanding that Yvern was his mistress since he

only had Madeline in his heart.

Mr.Charles nodded back hastily.

He had treated Yvern as if she were Noah’s wife since he had no reason to believe that Noah would

ever bring home any lady other than his wife.

However, Mr.Charles was bewildered after Noah reminded him and the other servants that Madeline

was still the lady of the Quincy residence.

Why would Mr.Quincy bring this woman back to the house if he still cared for Mrs.Quincy? Why doesn’t

Mrs.Quincy seems concerned about this either? Mr.Charles secretly ran so as not to reveal his

displeasure on his face.

He simply followed Noah to Yvern’s room and stopped.

After Noah entered the room, Mr.Charles stood guard at the door.

Mr.Charles then saw Colton approaching in his direction in a stealthy manner.

Before he could say something, Colton quickly gestured to him to be quiet.

“what brings you here, Colton? You should go back to bed,”

Mr.Charles whispered.

Colton shook his head and motioned for him to move aside before sticking his head against the door to


Colton put on a serious front and sent Mr.Charles back to his room when Mr.Charles tried to stop him

from doing so.

On the other side of the door, Noah stood at the edge of the bed whilst staring at the pale-faced

Yvern.He knew that this was his choice and it was his responsibility if Madeline was angered by this.

“Ms.Trentmann, what can I help you with?”

Yvern was tortured by Ezra to the point where she had developed severe depression issues.

During her stay at the hospital, she even almost committed suicide by jumping off the balcony, but

fortunately she was prevented by a doctor who happened to be taking a break at the balcony.

After that, she went into hiding to avoid Ezra, causing her to be constantly anxious and paranoid.

Otherwise, Noah would not have been surprised by her screams and hurriedly ran to check on her.

“I don’t want to stay here.Please let me go home.”

Yvern kept looking around the room anxiously as she thought of the room where Ezra held her and

reminded herself of the terrible memories she had there.

“Ms.Trentmann, if you leave, you will be caught by Ezra.”

Although Noah did not want to let her stay, he still owed Yvern a favor and she could be a useful ally to


“Please, Mr.Quincy, I beg of you.Bring me back to my hometown!”

Yvern abruptly pulled her blanket away and knelt before Noah, pleading.

Noah quickly took a step back to avoid her and said, “I’ll send you home after a few days.I can’t send

you back when Ezra still has his eyes on you.”

“Alright, okay.Yeah, I’m sorry for troubling you.”

After witnessing Noah’s argument with his children, Yvern felt bad that she had caused some

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inconveniences for Noah.

Meanwhile, Noah kept observing Yvern’s expression, trying to determine whether she was acting or

telling the truth.

Realizing there was nothing amiss about her, Noah nodded back.

“You should get some rest,” he said before leaving the room.

Upon opening the door, Noah found Colton standing outside Yvern’s room and frowned.

However, Colton, on the other hand, was too focused on the woman in bed to see his father frowning at


The feeling that he felt at the bar was coming back to him.

Colton’s face started to turn pale as his hands trembled.

Noah also noticed Colton’s unusual reaction and wanted to check on him, but Colton had already

turned around and returned to his room.

The following day, Noah went to knock on Colton’s door, but got no response after knocking on it for a


Worried, Noah swiftly asked Mr.Charles to bring the spare key to his room.

He found that Colton’s room was empty upon entering the room.

“Check the security footage now,”

Noah ordered and Mr.Charles immediately rushed to the surveillance room to retrieve the footage.

The footage showed Colton walking out of his room at about 5 in the morning and heading toward

Yvern’s room.

He stood there for a while before entering her room.

Unfortunately, the footage could not show what had happened in Yvern’s room.

Upon seeing this, Noah rushed over to Yvern’s room and opened the door without bothering to knock

on it.

However, Yvern was coincidentally in the midst of changing her clothes.


Yvern shrieked and covered her chest.