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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110 The moment Mason thought about the photos his mother had shown him, rage burned within him, It shouldn't be like this. He hadn't felt this angry when he saw Matilda leaving with Yvan last time. Why was today different? Was it because he felt deceived? “What was really behind your righteous facade, Matilda? Who was the man in those photos?” He wanted to ask Matilda but not.

Matilda's face turned ghostly pale when she heard Mason's words. She murmured in disbelief, “Mason, don’t you trust me?” Mason didn’t reply. After a long silence, he finally said, “Matilda, have you ever lied to me? Are you using my family’s influence?* What a ridiculous question.

Tears welled up in Matilda's eyes as she laughed bitterly. “Mason, if | say | haven't, would you believe me?” There was no response from Mason, just the sound of his heavy breathing.

Matilda suddenly understood and let out a low chuckle, fearless, as she finally let go of even this last defense - Mason himself.

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“If that's the case, then there’s nothing more to say. Thank you for your hospitality. Mr. Farrell. | won't trouble you anymore. Goodnight.” The call ended like a final farewell, Matilda's voice hoarse with unspoken goodbye, and Mason heard the silent parting.

A sudden sense of panic gripped him, as if he was BY i of something crucial. By the the recognized the source of this unease, it was Matilda's fading silhou®®e that lingered in his mind.

Then, the call abruptly ended with a beep.

Mason stood there, phone in hand, his usually composed face now painted with fear, displaying a childlike panic for the first time.

Unbeknownst to Mason, this painful misunderstanding would cause him sleepless nights for a long tto come, as he lay in bed, longing incessantly for a woman he could never possess.

It was pouring rain.

Matilda stared blankly out the window, her days a blur, unable to distinguish between day and night.

Chapter 110 Gideon's death was a crushing blow. She curled up in bed, assuming the fetal position, her mind in chaos, her consciousness flickering in and out. She felt as though she were trapped in a surreal dream, where the lines between reality and illusion blurred.

She could almost hear Gideon's voice, almost see his face.

However, the harsh truth relentlessly dragged her back into a cold, dark reality, repeatedly jolting her awake only to plunge her back into her painful delusions.

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She couldn’t go on. It was too hard... unbearably hard.

Matilda didn’t know how she would get through this ordeal. With her reality shattered and no future in sight, what was left of her life? The rain outside didn’t seem to know when to stop, echoing the day her life was devastated by Yvan five years ago. The rain pounded the windows fiercely, and Matilda, paying no mind to anything, ran out into the storm, running wildly as if to vent all her frustration and hatred.

“Yvan, did you feel even the slightest remorse? How would you repayfor this broken life of despair?” Clutching her cell phone, Matilda found herself on a deserted street, all storefronts closed except for a coffee shop glowing with a soft light.

The light seemed to pierce the darkness in her heart.

Matilda moved closer, hoping to take shelter from the rain.

Her figure swayed, and in the next moment, a shadow loomed over her.

A man stood beside her with an umbrella, observing her drenched appearance, her wet hair and clothes clinging to her body, droplets sliding down her curves.

Adrian Simpson stood behind her, holding an umbrella, his devilishly handsface adorned with a mocking smile, his stunningly beautiful eyes fixed upon her.

His voice was flippant yet carefree. “Why is it that every t| find you, you're at your wit’s end?”